List of Departments

Number of people in this department: lsa 3342
Maximum Salary:$ 532,413.00
Average Salary:$ 100,535.31
Minimum Salary:$ 32,000.02

2024-25 University of Michigan SalariesPage 23 of 112
Name Title Department FTR GF
Glover, William J PROFESSOR LSA History $ 138,294.00 $ 138,294.00
Wilson, Jennifer Catherine Hinton ASST PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 138,281.00 $ 138,281.00
Perry, Alexander ASST PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 138,214.00 $ 138,214.00
Edelstein, Robin Stacey PROFESSOR LSA Psychology $ 138,152.00 $ 138,152.00
Shehan, Pamela Sue Financial or Bus Analyst Ld LSA Dean: Finance $ 138,130.89 $ 138,130.89
Regier, Jeffrey ASST PROFESSOR LSA Statistics $ 138,120.00 $ 138,120.00
Hawes, Clement C PROFESSOR LSA English Language & Lit. $ 138,043.00 $ 69,021.50
Hawes, Clement C PROFESSOR LSA History $ 138,043.00 $ 69,021.50
Chan, Charlotte ASST PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 138,026.00 $ 138,026.00
Williams, Martin Jefferson ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Organizational Studies $ 138,000.00 $ 138,000.00
Pasek, Joshua Michael PROFESSOR LSA Communication and Media $ 137,958.00 $ 137,958.00
Aull, Laura L PROFESSOR LSA English Language & Lit. $ 137,933.00 $ 137,933.00
Olex, Matthew Timothy Application Architect Senior LSA Dean: TS Web&App Dev Svcs $ 137,700.00 $ 137,700.00
Forsdyke, Sara L PROFESSOR LSA Classical Studies $ 137,635.00 $ 137,635.00
Ready, Jonathan Levin PROFESSOR LSA Classical Studies $ 137,571.00 $ 137,571.00
Aton, Sara Jo PROFESSOR LSA Molec./Cell./Develop. Bio $ 137,562.00 $ 137,562.00
Knysh, Alexander D PROFESSOR LSA Middle East Studies $ 137,485.00 $ 137,485.00
Lucas, Ashley Elizabeth Professor LSA UG: Residential College $ 137,444.00 $ 68,722.00
Conley, Terri Diane PROFESSOR LSA Psychology $ 137,428.00 $ 137,428.00
Weissman, Daniel Howard PROFESSOR LSA Psychology $ 137,363.00 $ 137,363.00
Nandakumar, Jayakrishnan PROFESSOR LSA Molec./Cell./Develop. Bio $ 137,244.00 $ 129,613.23
Wallis, Cara ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Communication and Media $ 137,201.00 $ 137,201.00
Reed, Jacqueline Lee Budget Analyst Lead LSA Dean: Finance $ 137,119.00 $ 137,119.00
Trevor, Benjamin Douglas PROFESSOR LSA English Language & Lit. $ 137,091.00 $ 137,091.00
Green, Sean Dominic App Programming Senior Supr LSA Dean: TS Web&App Dev Svcs $ 137,000.00 $ 137,000.00
Hooper, Courtney Business Administrator Lead LSA Earth & Environmental Sci. $ 136,643.00 $ 136,643.00
Aristarkhova, Irina Professor LSA Digital Studies Institute $ 136,540.00 $ 34,135.00
Truong, Linh My ASST PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 136,180.00 $ 136,180.00
Richter, Richard J Application Architect Senior LSA Dean: TS Web&App Dev Svcs $ 136,000.00 $ 136,000.00
Kirker, Jennifer Associate Director LSA Kelsey Museum of Arch $ 136,000.00 $ 136,000.00
Page: 23 of 112

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