List of Departments

Number of people in this department: LSA History 119
Maximum Salary:$ 405,612.00
Average Salary:$ 116,612.44
Minimum Salary:$ 46,800.02

2023-24 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 4
Name Title Department FTR GF
McDonald, Terrence J PROFESSOR LSA History $ 405,612.00 $ 405,612.00
Lewis, Earl PROFESSOR LSA History $ 347,081.00 $ 43,385.13
Mills, Kenneth PROFESSOR LSA History $ 225,236.00 $ 0.00
Thompson, Heather A PROFESSOR LSA History $ 225,200.00 $ 56,300.00
Moore, Deborah Dash PROFESSOR LSA History $ 225,152.00 $ 0.00
Veidlinger, Jeffrey PROFESSOR LSA History $ 221,376.00 $ 66,412.80
Johnson, Paul Christopher PROFESSOR LSA History $ 207,105.00 $ 103,552.50
Sinha, Mrinalini PROFESSOR LSA History $ 205,863.00 $ 0.00
Dillard, Angela Denise PROFESSOR LSA History $ 204,451.00 $ 51,112.75
Scott, Rebecca J PROFESSOR LSA History $ 203,993.00 $ 43,348.51
Cook Jr, James W PROFESSOR LSA History $ 184,590.00 $ 92,295.00
Dowd, Gregory E PROFESSOR LSA History $ 179,245.00 $ 22,405.62
Lieberman, Victor B PROFESSOR LSA History $ 174,593.00 $ 165,863.35
Herwitz, Daniel Alan PROFESSOR LSA History of Art $ 172,231.00 $ 43,057.75
Peterson, Derek R PROFESSOR LSA History $ 172,144.00 $ 129,107.50
Gruber, Christiane J PROFESSOR LSA History of Art $ 171,550.00 $ 171,550.00
French, Katherine L PROFESSOR LSA History $ 171,546.00 $ 51,463.80
Cole, Juan R PROFESSOR LSA History $ 171,514.00 $ 128,635.25
Kivelson, Valerie Ann PROFESSOR LSA History $ 170,173.00 $ 170,173.00
Ray, Carina Elvira ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA History $ 166,700.00 $ 0.00
Sears, Elizabeth L PROFESSOR LSA History of Art $ 160,189.00 $ 80,094.50
Puff, Helmut PROFESSOR LSA History $ 160,004.00 $ 80,002.00
Spector, Scott D PROFESSOR LSA History $ 159,270.00 $ 79,635.00
Chin, Rita C-K PROFESSOR LSA History $ 158,800.00 $ 39,700.00
Muehlberger, Ellen PROFESSOR LSA History $ 153,000.00 $ 153,000.00
Ballinger, Pamela PROFESSOR LSA History $ 152,535.00 $ 83,894.25
Babayan, Kathryn PROFESSOR LSA History $ 148,576.00 $ 111,432.00
Biro, Matthew Nicholas PROFESSOR LSA History of Art $ 147,049.00 $ 147,049.00
Lassiter, Matthew D PROFESSOR LSA History $ 145,942.00 $ 145,942.00
Squatriti, Paolo PROFESSOR LSA History $ 142,705.00 $ 71,352.50
Page: 1 of 4

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