List of Departments

Number of people in this department: lsa 3342
Maximum Salary:$ 532,413.00
Average Salary:$ 100,535.31
Minimum Salary:$ 32,000.02

2024-25 University of Michigan SalariesPage 22 of 112
Name Title Department FTR GF
Friedman, Matt CURATOR LSA Paleontology Museum $ 141,194.00 $ 70,597.00
McDowell, Stacey Financial Lead Manager LSA Dean: Finance $ 141,110.00 $ 141,110.00
Preston, Stephanie D PROFESSOR LSA Psychology $ 141,037.00 $ 70,518.50
Schironi, Francesca PROFESSOR LSA Classical Studies $ 141,007.00 $ 141,007.00
Bidlingmeyer, Robert IT Program Manager LSA Dean: TS ResComp&InfrSvcs $ 141,000.00 $ 141,000.00
Wang, Yixin ASST PROFESSOR LSA Statistics $ 140,900.00 $ 140,900.00
Sheldon, Nathan Dale PROFESSOR LSA Earth & Environmental Sci. $ 140,367.00 $ 140,367.00
Eagle, Herbert J Assoc Professor LSA UG: Residential College $ 139,860.00 $ 46,153.80
Eagle, Herbert J ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Slavic Languages & Lit. $ 139,860.00 $ 93,706.20
Mitchell, Karly Business Administrator Lead LSA Economics $ 139,725.00 $ 139,725.00
Monroe, Susan I Capital Project Manager LSA Dean: Facilities $ 139,587.50 $ 111,670.00
Caulfield, Sueann Professor LSA UG: Residential College $ 139,537.00 $ 69,768.50
Caulfield, Sueann PROFESSOR LSA History $ 139,537.00 $ 69,768.50
Szymczak, Nathaniel PROFESSOR LSA Chemistry $ 139,403.00 $ 139,403.00
Wilfong, Terry G PROFESSOR LSA Middle East Studies $ 139,385.00 $ 69,692.50
Wilfong, Terry G CURATOR LSA Kelsey Museum of Arch $ 139,385.00 $ 69,692.50
Wierzbicki, Andrzej Tomasz PROFESSOR LSA Molec./Cell./Develop. Bio $ 139,294.00 $ 139,294.00
Si, Yajuan LEO Adjunct Lecturer LSA Quant Methods & SocSci Pgm $ 139,271.36 $ 43,916.88
Becker, Udo PROFESSOR LSA Earth & Environmental Sci. $ 139,160.00 $ 139,160.00
Pinsker, Shahar M PROFESSOR LSA Judaic Studies $ 139,132.00 $ 69,566.00
Pinsker, Shahar M PROFESSOR LSA Middle East Studies $ 139,132.00 $ 69,566.00
Burnstein, James S PROFESSOR LSA FilmTelevisionand Media $ 139,008.00 $ 104,256.00
Nolta, Kathleen V LEO Lecturer IV LSA Chemistry $ 138,824.66 $ 138,824.66
Narayan, Alison Rae Hardin PROFESSOR LSA Chemistry $ 138,796.00 $ 69,398.00
Grimes, Donald R Research Area Specialist Lead LSA Economics $ 138,600.00 $ 73,457.72
Levin, Naomi PROFESSOR LSA Earth & Environmental Sci. $ 138,553.00 $ 103,914.75
Beltz, Adriene Marie ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Psychology $ 138,393.00 $ 74,939.81
Slavik, Karie A Associate Director LSA Biological Station $ 138,347.00 $ 138,347.00
Hagen, Gottfried J DIR ACADEMIC PROGRAM LSA II: Armenian Studies $ 138,301.00 $ 34,575.25
Hagen, Gottfried J PROFESSOR LSA Middle East Studies $ 138,301.00 $ 103,725.75
Page: 22 of 112

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