List of Departments

Number of people in this department: lsa 3342
Maximum Salary:$ 532,413.00
Average Salary:$ 100,535.31
Minimum Salary:$ 32,000.02

2024-25 University of Michigan SalariesPage 33 of 112
Name Title Department FTR GF
Schreier, Shelly Gail-Zeff LEO Lecturer IV LSA Psychology $ 116,638.90 $ 116,638.90
Timmermann, Achim PROFESSOR LSA History of Art $ 116,553.00 $ 116,553.00
Dua, Jatin ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Anthropology $ 116,530.00 $ 116,530.00
Yang, Qiong ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Biophysics $ 116,383.00 $ 116,383.00
Gultekin, Kayhan ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Astronomy $ 116,209.00 $ 116,209.00
Dai, Tiesheng Research Computer Specialist LSA Physics $ 116,119.00 $ 0.00
Ward, Stephen M ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA DAAS $ 116,114.00 $ 58,057.00
Ward, Stephen M Assoc Professor LSA UG: Residential College $ 116,114.00 $ 58,057.00
Lopez-Cotin, Olga Maria LEO Lecturer IV LSA UG: Residential College $ 115,986.18 $ 115,986.18
Clowney, Eleanor Josephine ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Molec./Cell./Develop. Bio $ 115,939.00 $ 115,939.00
Li, Zhongrui ASSOC RES SCIENTIST LSA Earth & Environmental Sci. $ 115,922.00 $ 5,796.10
Fong, Christian James ASST PROFESSOR LSA Political Science $ 115,848.00 $ 57,924.00
Kort, Sierra Victoria ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Earth & Environmental Sci. $ 115,824.00 $ 115,824.00
Brennan, Jonathan R ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Linguistics $ 115,778.00 $ 112,003.64
Moeller, Sophia Major Gifts Officer Senior LSA Dean: Advancement $ 115,638.00 $ 115,638.00
Vecchiarelli, Anthony ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Molec./Cell./Develop. Bio $ 115,637.00 $ 115,637.00
Ammerlaan, Marcus C LEO Lecturer IV LSA Ecology & Evolutionary Bio $ 115,567.59 $ 57,783.80
Ammerlaan, Marcus C LEO Lecturer IV LSA Molec./Cell./Develop. Bio $ 115,567.59 $ 57,783.80
Zemgulys, Andrea Patricia ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA English Language & Lit. $ 115,505.00 $ 115,505.00
Ellsworth, Scott A LEO Lecturer IV LSA DAAS $ 115,369.51 $ 115,369.51
Duan, Bo ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Molec./Cell./Develop. Bio $ 115,350.00 $ 115,350.00
Vloet, Katherine Lynn Editor Manager LSA Dean: Advancement $ 115,250.00 $ 115,250.00
Li, Kening LEO Lecturer IV LSA Asian Languages & Cultures $ 115,043.66 $ 115,043.66
Earl, Allison Nancy ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Psychology $ 115,020.00 $ 115,020.00
Cogswell, Lindsay M HR Administration Senior Supr LSA Dean: Human Resources $ 115,000.00 $ 115,000.00
Messina, Michael Joseph App Programmer/Analyst Sr LSA Dean: TS ResComp&InfrSvcs $ 115,000.00 $ 115,000.00
Varnavski, Oleg P Research Lab Specialist Lead LSA Chemistry $ 114,555.00 $ 28,638.75
Carter, Rona ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Psychology $ 114,334.00 $ 114,334.00
Sessolo, Simone Acad &/Or Res Prgm Ofcr Sr LSA Sweetland Writing Center $ 114,095.00 $ 114,095.00
Brightwell, Erin Leigh ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Asian Languages & Cultures $ 114,000.00 $ 114,000.00
Page: 33 of 112

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