List of Departments

Number of people in this department: lsa 3342
Maximum Salary:$ 532,413.00
Average Salary:$ 100,535.31
Minimum Salary:$ 32,000.02

2024-25 University of Michigan SalariesPage 85 of 112
Name Title Department FTR GF
Jovanovic, Nemanja MOVER II LSA Dean: Facilities $ 60,382.40 $ 60,382.40
McPeake, Christopher M MOVER II LSA Dean: Facilities $ 60,382.40 $ 60,382.40
Sweeny, Clayton C MOVER II LSA Dean: Facilities $ 60,382.40 $ 60,382.40
Warren, Andrew MOVER II LSA Dean: Facilities $ 60,382.40 $ 60,382.40
Johnson, Nathan Accountant Intermediate LSA Dean: Finance $ 60,371.00 $ 60,371.00
Ryu, Kook Hui Research Lab Specialist Inter LSA Molec./Cell./Develop. Bio $ 60,330.00 $ 60,330.00
Hopper, Justin Student Admin Asst Sr LSA Ecology & Evolutionary Bio $ 60,320.00 $ 60,320.00
Smith, Melissa C Student Admin Asst Sr LSA UG: Student Acad. Affairs $ 60,255.00 $ 60,255.00
Hudson, Brooke Christina Annual Giving Officer Inter LSA Dean: Advancement $ 60,180.00 $ 60,180.00
Berenz, Todd Exhibit/Display Coordinator LSA UG: Museum of Nat History $ 60,169.00 $ 60,169.00
Brinkhoff, Rose RESEARCH FELLOW LSA Ecology & Evolutionary Bio $ 60,102.00 $ 30,051.00
Thompson, Christopher Academic Advisor/Couns Inter LSA UG: Student Acad. Affairs $ 60,074.00 $ 60,074.00
Bluteau, Christopher Envrnmntl Hlth/Sfty Spec Assoc LSA Chemistry $ 60,030.00 $ 60,030.00
Hall, Elise HR Generalist Associate LSA Dean: Human Resources $ 60,030.00 $ 60,030.00
Vierling, Abby Research Administration Assoc LSA Finance: West Hall $ 60,003.00 $ 60,003.00
Byun, Doyee RESEARCH FELLOW LSA Astronomy $ 60,000.00 $ 60,000.00
Donovan, Sean Michael RESEARCH FELLOW LSA Communication and Media $ 60,000.00 $ 0.00
Yodhes, Matthew Desktop Support Spec Inter LSA Dean: TS ResComp&InfrSvcs $ 60,000.00 $ 60,000.00
Rosario, Roberto Josiah RESEARCH FELLOW LSA Psychology $ 60,000.00 $ 0.00
Luo, Min-Xin RESEARCH FELLOW LSA Ecology & Evolutionary Bio $ 60,000.00 $ 0.00
Ohyama, Leo RESEARCH FELLOW LSA Ecology & Evolutionary Bio $ 60,000.00 $ 0.00
Sporre, Megan Alice RESEARCH FELLOW LSA Ecology & Evolutionary Bio $ 60,000.00 $ 0.00
Burge, Katherine RESEARCH FELLOW LSA History of Art $ 60,000.00 $ 0.00
Ebeheakey, Alice Korkor RESEARCH FELLOW LSA History of Art $ 60,000.00 $ 0.00
Flattley, Megan Rose RESEARCH FELLOW LSA History of Art $ 60,000.00 $ 0.00
Seuffert, Kirsten Leigh Ann RESEARCH FELLOW LSA II: Japanese Studies $ 60,000.00 $ 0.00
Dey, Nandini RESEARCH FELLOW LSA II: Weiser Emerging Democr $ 60,000.00 $ 60,000.00
Mauro, Vincent Rino RESEARCH FELLOW LSA II: Weiser Emerging Democr $ 60,000.00 $ 60,000.00
Listrovaya, Liudmila RESEARCH FELLOW LSA II: Weiser Europe/Eurasia $ 60,000.00 $ 0.00
Mackay, Bradley Kenneth RESEARCH FELLOW LSA Linguistics $ 60,000.00 $ 40,005.00
Page: 85 of 112

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