List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: PROFESSOR 1923
Maximum Salary:$ 933,333.34
Average Salary:$ 174,745.04
Minimum Salary:$ 26,775.76

2015-16 University of Michigan SalariesPage 34 of 65
Name Title Department FTR GF
Yates, J Frank PROFESSOR LSA Psychology $ 164,661.29 $ 115,262.90
Vinovskis, Maris A PROFESSOR LSA History $ 164,576.00 $ 16,457.60
Kirschner, Denise E PROFESSOR Microbiology and Immunology $ 164,478.29 $ 98,687.00
Green, Brian P PROFESSOR Dbn Col of Bus-Acctg and Finance $ 164,443.89 $ 164,443.90
Bagramian, Robert A PROFESSOR DENT Community Dentistry $ 164,438.63 $ 161,149.90
Holz, Ronald W PROFESSOR Pharmacology Department $ 164,419.00 $ 111,804.90
Chang, Cheong-Hee PROFESSOR Microbiology and Immunology $ 164,388.49 $ 147,949.60
Simon, Carl P PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 164,249.94 $ 82,125.00
Bayraktar, Erhan PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 164,200.98 $ 80,458.50
Fricke, Thomas E PROFESSOR LSA Anthropology $ 164,000.00 $ 164,000.00
Simon, Carl P PROFESSOR G. Ford Sc Pub Pol $ 164,000.00 $ 82,000.00
Burton, Glenn Allen PROFESSOR Sch of Nat Resources and Environ $ 163,907.64 $ 81,953.80
Ferris, Daniel P PROFESSOR School of Kinesiology $ 163,889.44 $ 81,944.70
Pecoraro, Vincent L PROFESSOR LSA Chemistry $ 163,858.00 $ 163,858.00
Fries, Brant E PROFESSOR Health Management and Policy $ 163,450.00 $ 3,246.90
Soloway, Elliot PROFESSOR EECS - CSE Division $ 163,300.00 $ 163,300.00
Shih, Albert J PROFESSOR Mechanical Engineering $ 163,266.00 $ 81,633.00
Shih, Albert J Professor CoE Integrative Sys and Design $ 163,266.00 $ 40,816.50
Monto, Arnold S PROFESSOR Epidemiology Department $ 163,200.00 $ 36,904.40
Tolman, Richard M PROFESSOR School of Social Work $ 163,019.06 $ 163,019.10
Jackson, Trachette L PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 163,000.30 $ 163,000.30
Morrison, Frederick J PROFESSOR LSA Psychology $ 162,708.00 $ 138,301.80
Brader, Ted PROFESSOR LSA Political Science $ 162,648.00 $ 162,648.00
Haithcock, Michael L PROFESSOR School of MusicTheatreandDance $ 162,285.00 $ 162,285.00
Jin, Jionghua PROFESSOR Industrial and Operations Engin $ 162,250.00 $ 89,237.10
Maybaum, Jonathan PROFESSOR Pharmacology Department $ 162,240.00 $ 114,703.70
Robins, Diane M PROFESSOR Human Genetics Department $ 162,140.00 $ 101,337.50
Wehe, David K PROFESSOR Nuclear Eng and Radiological Sci $ 162,133.00 $ 162,133.00
Moore, Michael R PROFESSOR Sch of Nat Resources and Environ $ 162,000.00 $ 162,000.00
Ruetsche, Laura PROFESSOR LSA Philosophy $ 161,950.00 $ 55,063.00
Page: 34 of 65

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