List of Departments

Number of people in this department: Development 21
Maximum Salary:$ 200,000.00
Average Salary:$ 102,101.19
Minimum Salary:$ 36,000.12

2017-18 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
Kamm, Stephen R Major Gifts Director Development Major Gifts Prgm $ 200,000.00 $ 0.00
Dyer, Kelly Anne Major Gifts Director Development Major Gifts Prgm $ 185,000.00 $ 0.00
Orloff, Anne Peach Major Gifts Director Development Major Gifts Prgm $ 179,813.00 $ 0.00
Govantes, Pedro Pablo Major Gifts Officer Lead Development Major Gifts Prgm $ 160,000.00 $ 0.00
Robinson, Ryan Major Gifts Officer Lead Development Major Gifts Prgm $ 143,850.00 $ 0.00
Porter III, Richard Major Gifts Officer Lead Development Major Gifts Prgm $ 138,713.00 $ 0.00
Emery-Peck, David D Major Gifts Officer Lead Development Major Gifts Prgm $ 131,006.00 $ 0.00
Berlucchi, Anne Marie Major Gifts Officer Lead Development Major Gifts Prgm $ 125,000.00 $ 0.00
Thompson, David Major Gifts Officer Lead Development Major Gifts Prgm $ 112,665.00 $ 0.00
Kirinovic, Matthew Major Gifts Officer Lead Development Major Gifts Prgm $ 102,000.00 $ 0.00
Neukam, Terra Major Gifts Officer Senior Development Major Gifts Prgm $ 96,000.00 $ 0.00
Bell, Ann E Executive Secretary Development Major Gifts Prgm $ 85,125.00 $ 0.00
Williams, Elizabeth Kathryn Major Gifts Officer Inter Development Major Gifts Prgm $ 84,255.00 $ 0.00
Stokes, Kelley Major Gifts Officer Inter Development Major Gifts Prgm $ 80,000.00 $ 0.00
Mogk, John Annual Giving Programs Sr Mgr Development - Telefund $ 72,213.00 $ 0.00
Bayer, Martha Secretary Senior Development Major Gifts Prgm $ 47,613.00 $ 0.00
Jenkins, Erica Secretary Senior Development Major Gifts Prgm $ 42,436.00 $ 0.00
Gruca, Marta Maria Secretary Senior Development Major Gifts Prgm $ 42,436.00 $ 0.00
Leidel, Madison Anl Giving Programs Inter Mgr Development - Telefund $ 40,000.00 $ 0.00
Lee, Joon Secretary Senior Development Major Gifts Prgm $ 39,999.96 $ 0.00
Cepak, Violetta Administrative Assistant Inter Development - Telefund $ 36,000.12 $ 0.00
Page: 1 of 1

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