List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: PROFESSOR 1923
Maximum Salary:$ 933,333.34
Average Salary:$ 174,745.04
Minimum Salary:$ 26,775.76

2015-16 University of Michigan SalariesPage 41 of 65
Name Title Department FTR GF
Selig, Suzanne M PROFESSOR Flint Dept Pub Hlth and Hlth Sci $ 148,819.97 $ 74,410.00
Terry Jr, Fred Lewis PROFESSOR COE EECS - ECE Division $ 148,625.00 $ 74,312.50
Uribe-Ahumada, Alejandro PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 148,520.83 $ 148,520.80
Megginson, Robert E PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 148,502.89 $ 148,502.90
Robins, Thomas G PROFESSOR Environmental Health Sciences $ 148,500.00 $ 121,006.70
Herbert, Sharon C PROFESSOR LSA Classical Studies $ 148,435.00 $ 148,435.00
Mortazawi, Amir PROFESSOR COE EECS - ECE Division $ 148,420.00 $ 133,578.00
Caldwell, Cleopatra Howard PROFESSOR Hlth Behavior and Hlth Ed Dept $ 148,400.00 $ 79,661.10
Altschuler, Richard A PROFESSOR Otorhinolaryngology Department $ 148,389.73 $ 89,033.80
Chen, Clement Chih Hao PROFESSOR Flint School of Management $ 148,335.40 $ 148,335.40
Scodel, Ruth S PROFESSOR LSA Classical Studies $ 148,190.00 $ 148,190.00
Conlon, Joseph G PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 148,185.88 $ 148,185.90
Bregman, Joel N PROFESSOR LSA Astronomy $ 148,050.00 $ 148,050.00
Yoshihama, Mieko PROFESSOR School of Social Work $ 148,042.83 $ 148,042.80
Paulson, Sarah Buss PROFESSOR LSA Philosophy $ 147,931.00 $ 110,948.30
Paulson, Sarah Buss PROFESSOR LSA UG: Honors $ 147,931.00 $ 36,982.80
Shridhar, Malayappan PROFESSOR Dbn Col of Eng-Electric and Comp $ 147,921.18 $ 147,921.20
Pichersky, Eran PROFESSOR LSA Molec./Cell./Develop. Bio $ 147,803.00 $ 97,069.60
Goldman, Karla PROFESSOR School of Social Work $ 147,788.80 $ 36,947.20
Radev, Dragomir Radkov Professor EECS - CSE Division $ 147,683.00 $ 73,841.50
Wright, Henry T PROFESSOR LSA Anthropology $ 147,680.00 $ 66,456.00
Bernal, Luis P PROFESSOR Aerospace Engineering $ 147,600.00 $ 147,600.00
Meyhofer, Edgar PROFESSOR Mechanical Engineering $ 147,500.00 $ 140,125.00
Gafni, Ari Professor LSA Biophysics $ 147,470.00 $ 147,470.00
Belot, Gordon PROFESSOR LSA Philosophy $ 147,365.00 $ 0.00
Schleppegrell, Mary J PROFESSOR SOE-Educational Studies $ 147,331.73 $ 147,331.70
Johnson, Paul Christopher PROFESSOR LSA DAAS $ 147,302.00 $ 73,651.00
Johnson, Paul Christopher PROFESSOR LSA History $ 147,302.00 $ 73,651.00
Hulbert, Gregory M PROFESSOR Mechanical Engineering $ 147,100.00 $ 110,325.00
Pfingst, Bryan E PROFESSOR Otorhinolaryngology Department $ 147,087.50 $ 14,708.80
Page: 41 of 65

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