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Number of people in this department: LSA Mathematics 158
Maximum Salary:$ 238,192.00
Average Salary:$ 94,697.56
Minimum Salary:$ 38,740.00

2016-17 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 6
Name Title Department FTR GF
Hochster, Melvin PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 238,192.00 $ 226,282.40
Doering, Charles R PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 216,106.00 $ 108,053.00
Smith, Karen E PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 191,047.48 $ 57,314.24
Young, Virginia R PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 186,954.60 $ 0.00
Gilbert, Anna Catherine PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 184,247.08 $ 184,247.08
Lagarias, Jeffrey C PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 181,651.91 $ 181,651.91
Bass, Hyman PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 179,278.38 $ 85,157.23
Fomin, Sergey PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 179,080.46 $ 179,080.46
Fulton, William E PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 178,453.00 $ 84,765.18
Barvinok, Alexander PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 175,262.00 $ 175,262.00
Bayraktar, Erhan PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 175,084.63 $ 91,044.01
Wu, Sijue PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 174,192.00 $ 52,257.60
Borcea, Liliana PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 174,033.82 $ 174,033.82
Schotland, John Carl PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 173,360.00 $ 86,680.00
Bloch, Anthony M PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 171,007.74 $ 171,007.74
Ruan, Yongbin PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 168,798.10 $ 168,798.10
Simon, Carl P PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 167,250.30 $ 83,625.15
Jackson, Trachette L PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 165,088.84 $ 165,088.84
Mustata, Mircea Immanuel PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 163,438.73 $ 163,438.73
Canary, Richard D PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 159,998.29 $ 159,998.29
Smoller, Joel A PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 156,583.62 $ 156,583.62
Blass, Andreas R PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 154,514.67 $ 154,514.67
Prasad, Gopal PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 154,402.21 $ 154,402.21
Spatzier, Ralf J PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 153,269.60 $ 153,269.60
Vershynin, Roman PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 152,877.20 $ 91,726.32
Jonsson, Mattias PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 151,963.85 $ 151,963.85
Uribe-Ahumada, Alejandro PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 150,594.16 $ 150,594.16
Conlon, Joseph G PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 150,413.01 $ 150,413.01
Megginson, Robert E PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 149,532.75 $ 149,532.75
Baik, Jinho PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 147,684.74 $ 147,684.74
Page: 1 of 6

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