List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Fin 492
Maximum Salary:$ 491,625.00
Average Salary:$ 92,727.66
Minimum Salary:$ 43,427.88

2024-25 University of Michigan SalariesPage 5 of 17
Name Title Department FTR GF
Sella-Armstrong, Lori K Financial or Bus Analyst Sr MM Financial Srvcs $ 107,356.46 $ 0.00
Rau, Laurie Pauline Financial Specialist Senior CoE Resource Planning & Mgmt $ 106,601.00 $ 106,601.00
Haviland, Jeffrey D Financial Intermediate Manager AEC-Administration $ 106,594.26 $ 106,594.26
Beres, Gabriela S Financial Senior Manager Mich Publishing-Bus & Admin $ 106,154.84 $ 106,154.84
Stargell, Fillippo D Financial Specialist Senior ICPSR - Administration $ 106,080.00 $ 0.00
Cohan, Virginia Lynn Financial or Bus Analyst Sr MM Research-Clin Trial Units $ 106,017.90 $ 0.00
Underwood, Kiana Financial or Bus Analyst Ld LSA Dean: Finance $ 106,000.00 $ 106,000.00
Wagner, Alex Financial Plng/Anlys Mgr Inter MM Financial Srvcs $ 105,575.00 $ 0.00
Grapp, Mary S Financial or Bus Analyst Sr MM Biological Chemistry Dept $ 105,390.81 $ 105,390.81
Solarski, Traci L Financial or Bus Analyst Sr MM Financial Srvcs $ 105,360.75 $ 0.00
Barber, Elizabeth Anne Financial Systems Analyst Sr MM Financial Srvcs $ 105,000.78 $ 0.00
Abbey, Jeana E Financial or Bus Analyst Sr MM Financial Srvcs $ 104,855.07 $ 0.00
Johnson, Mary Financial Associate Manager MM Anesthesiology Department $ 104,664.27 $ 0.00
Sroka, Bradley Financial Specialist Senior School of Nursing $ 104,000.00 $ 104,000.00
Vargas-Vanbrakel, Sarah Marie Financial Intermediate Manager Procurement Services $ 104,000.00 $ 0.00
Couperthwaite, Mary Ann Financial or Bus Analyst Sr MM Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 103,549.11 $ 0.00
Marra, Marie A Financial or Bus Analyst Sr MM Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 103,119.48 $ 0.00
Lopez, Denise L Financial or Bus Analyst Sr MM Financial Srvcs $ 103,103.57 $ 0.00
Keller, Lori Financial or Bus Analyst Ld Enterprise Fin Plan & Analysis $ 102,070.00 $ 102,070.00
Jensen, James Financial Intermediate Manager MM Lab Animal Medicine Unit $ 102,000.00 $ 61,200.00
Langley, Jennifer Financial Specialist Senior MM HITS FA Fin Ops & Analysis $ 101,979.47 $ 0.00
Wright, Leslie Financial or Bus Analyst Ld MM North Campus Resrch Complex $ 101,747.37 $ 0.00
Olis, Christine Financial or Bus Analyst Sr MM Financial Srvcs $ 101,502.76 $ 0.00
Galea, Therese Ghassoub Financial Intermediate Manager MM Community Health $ 101,460.98 $ 0.00
Robinson, Melanie R Financial or Bus Analyst Sr LSA Dean: Finance $ 100,000.00 $ 100,000.00
Williams-Gollman, Kendra F Financial or Bus Analyst Sr MM Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 99,643.67 $ 0.00
Zhang, Liyan Financial Intermediate Manager Dev Svcs & Strategic Solutions $ 99,624.00 $ 0.00
Heaton, Michael Financial or Bus Analyst Sr MM Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 99,382.92 $ 0.00
Thompson, Joanne M Financial or Bus Analyst Sr MM GME Admin Office $ 99,316.73 $ 0.00
Harold, Karen Sue Financial or Bus Analyst Sr MM Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 98,912.71 $ 0.00
Page: 5 of 17

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