List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Fin 492
Maximum Salary:$ 491,625.00
Average Salary:$ 92,727.66
Minimum Salary:$ 43,427.88

2024-25 University of Michigan SalariesPage 4 of 17
Name Title Department FTR GF
Warner, Steven Financial Intermediate Manager MM Pharmacy Administration $ 114,180.00 $ 0.00
Tindall, Danielle Financial Senior Manager MM Internal Medicine Departmnt $ 114,015.00 $ 114,015.00
Colangelo, Taryn Financial Aid Director Unit CoE Office of Student Affairs $ 113,850.00 $ 113,850.00
Stock, Nancy M Financial Intermediate Manager School of Kinesiology $ 113,415.99 $ 102,074.39
Snyder, Angela S Financial Senior Manager MM CC Bus Svc Team $ 113,300.00 $ 0.00
Durance, Paul Financial or Bus Analyst Sr MM Financial Srvcs $ 113,227.63 $ 0.00
McCollum, Patrick Financial Intermediate Manager EECS - ECE Division $ 112,700.00 $ 112,700.00
Hartwell, Lisa Financial or Bus Analyst Sr MM Emergency Medicine UM Adult $ 112,610.00 $ 0.00
Domingue, Stacey Financial or Bus Analyst Ld MM Financial Srvcs $ 112,476.00 $ 0.00
Verellen, Noah Financial or Bus Analyst Ld MM Financial Srvcs $ 112,476.00 $ 0.00
Miller III, Ulrick Ray Financial or Bus Analyst Sr MM Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 112,114.87 $ 0.00
Bossmann, Gudrun Financial Senior Manager MM CHRT $ 111,935.25 $ 0.00
Bible, Chelsea Rose Financial or Bus Analyst Ld Enterprise Fin Plan & Analysis $ 111,672.60 $ 111,672.60
McCready, Matthew R Financial Intermediate Manager MM PM&R $ 111,394.50 $ 0.00
Mauck, Kirk Financial or Bus Analyst Ld MM Michigan Health Corporation $ 110,794.58 $ 0.00
Forsyth, Amber M Financial or Bus Analyst Ld LSA Dean: Finance $ 110,692.00 $ 110,692.00
Cross, Megan Diffin Financial Intermediate Manager MM Pediatrics-Administration $ 110,336.18 $ 0.00
Rupard, Kelli M Financial Intermediate Manager MM Development - Operations $ 110,099.09 $ 0.00
Barsch, David A Financial or Bus Analyst Ld MM Internal Medicine Departmnt $ 109,869.00 $ 109,869.00
Sheng, Nan-Sheng Financial or Bus Analyst Sr MM Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 109,858.15 $ 0.00
Duell, Michael Financial or Bus Analyst Ld HR Benefits Office $ 109,710.00 $ 0.00
Stolz, Margaret Financial Intermediate Manager FinOps Investment Recon $ 109,710.00 $ 0.00
Evanchek, Christine Financial or Bus Analyst Sr SRO Design Meth Stat Support $ 109,621.24 $ 0.00
Ponchart, Huimin Financial Senior Manager Materials Science & Engin. $ 109,200.00 $ 109,200.00
Angelopoulos, Kimberly Kay Financial Intermediate Manager LSA Finance: FSBO $ 108,968.00 $ 108,968.00
Lokers, William Financial or Bus Analyst Ld SRO Financial Group $ 108,404.40 $ 0.00
Tamer, Therese A Financial or Bus Analyst Ld Enterprise Fin Plan & Analysis $ 108,160.00 $ 108,160.00
Parent, Kyle Financial or Bus Analyst Sr Taubman College Administration $ 108,150.00 $ 108,150.00
Burris, Jessica Financial or Bus Analyst Ld MM IHPI 231135 $ 107,763.75 $ 0.00
Asthana, Anjali Financial or Bus Analyst Ld MH-Administration $ 107,640.00 $ 0.00
Page: 4 of 17

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