List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Fin 492
Maximum Salary:$ 491,625.00
Average Salary:$ 92,727.66
Minimum Salary:$ 43,427.88

2024-25 University of Michigan SalariesPage 12 of 17
Name Title Department FTR GF
Meyers, Candace Financial Specialist Associate MM Gifts of Art $ 72,225.65 $ 0.00
Zabriskie, Michelle Financial Specialist Inter SL Budget and Finance $ 72,142.90 $ 0.00
Asbury, Shawnee Financial or Bus Analyst Inter MM Financial Srvcs $ 72,141.20 $ 0.00
Puplis, Kateri Financial Specialist Inter Library Deans Office - Finance $ 72,107.44 $ 72,107.44
Pavloski, Zlatko Financial or Bus Analyst Inter LSA Dean: Finance $ 72,055.00 $ 72,055.00
Grindulis, Aija Financial Systems Analyst Int DENT Budget & Finance $ 72,000.00 $ 64,800.00
Kellermeyer, David Financial or Bus Analyst Inter SRO Financial Group $ 71,945.44 $ 0.00
Dieffenbaugher, Kelly Financial or Bus Analyst Inter LSA Dean: Finance $ 71,839.00 $ 71,839.00
Kennedy, Melissa Financial Specialist Senior MARSAL EDUC - School of Educ $ 71,770.40 $ 71,770.40
Rice, Diane Marie Financial Specialist Inter UMOR Innovation Pshps Admin $ 71,650.00 $ 71,650.00
Sullivan, Kelly Anne Financial Specialist Inter LSA UG: Museum of Nat History $ 71,500.00 $ 71,500.00
Bidzhekov, Ivan Financial or Bus Analyst Inter LSA Dean: Finance $ 71,265.00 $ 71,265.00
Cogan, Caitlin Financial or Bus Analyst Inter LSA Dean: Finance $ 70,900.00 $ 70,900.00
Lamentola, Wendy L Financial Specialist Associate MM Operations Support Other $ 70,633.59 $ 0.00
Feyssa, Abebech D Financial Specialist Associate MM Pharmacy Administration $ 70,596.10 $ 0.00
Tietjen, Heidi A Financial Specialist Associate MM Operations Support Other $ 70,596.10 $ 0.00
Ratcliff Hosler, Rhonda Financial or Bus Analyst Assoc MM Emergency Medicine $ 70,570.39 $ 0.00
Hawkins, Ian Financial Systems Analyst Int Dbn Financial Services $ 70,553.40 $ 70,553.40
Riczo, Heather Financial or Bus Analyst Inter LSA Dean: Finance $ 70,500.00 $ 70,500.00
Weller, Stacy Financial or Bus Analyst Inter Procurement Services $ 70,473.00 $ 0.00
Bauer, Christian Financial or Bus Analyst Inter Procurement Services $ 70,304.00 $ 70,304.00
Boudalia, Fatiha Financial or Bus Analyst Inter MM Clin Research Billing Unit $ 69,921.98 $ 0.00
Jozwiak, Kristine Financial or Bus Analyst Inter FinOps AccOp Current&Banking $ 69,222.40 $ 27,688.96
Sutherlin, Daniel Financial or Bus Analyst Inter FinOps AccOp Endowment $ 69,222.40 $ 0.00
Lautzenheiser II, Don Financial or Bus Analyst Inter FinOps AccOp Current&Banking $ 69,160.00 $ 27,664.00
Montney, Maxwell Financial or Bus Analyst Inter FinOps AccOp Endowment $ 69,160.00 $ 0.00
Doher, Nicole Danielle Financial or Bus Analyst Inter SRO Financial Group $ 69,010.00 $ 0.00
Hannah, Jessyca Financial Specialist Inter School of Information $ 68,957.00 $ 68,957.00
Crook, Elaine M Financial Aid Officer Assoc OFA Office of Financial Aid $ 68,701.67 $ 68,701.67
Van Dijk, Timothy Financial or Bus Analyst Inter MM Clin Research Billing Unit $ 68,546.27 $ 0.00
Page: 12 of 17

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