List of Departments

Number of people in this department: LSa 3342
Maximum Salary:$ 532,413.00
Average Salary:$ 100,535.31
Minimum Salary:$ 32,000.02

2024-25 University of Michigan SalariesPage 96 of 112
Name Title Department FTR GF
Smith, Timothy Admin Coord/Project Coord LSA Economics $ 55,500.12 $ 55,500.00
Thomas, LaKyla Academic Advisor/Couns Inter LSA UG: Comprehensive Studies $ 55,500.00 $ 55,500.00
Poston, Ellington Admin Coord/Project Coord LSA UG: Comprehensive Studies $ 55,470.00 $ 55,470.00
Walsh, Rory Student Admin Asst Sr LSA Ecology & Evolutionary Bio $ 55,438.00 $ 55,438.00
Barrett, Abigal Student Admin Asst Sr LSA Psychology $ 55,401.00 $ 55,401.00
Riemer, Kristina Student Admin Asst Sr LSA Judaic Studies $ 55,370.00 $ 0.00
Austin, Alice C Student Admin Asst Sr LSA Political Science $ 55,328.00 $ 55,328.00
Mattar, Hana Academic Program Specialist LSA International Institute $ 55,210.00 $ 55,210.00
Schmidt, Danielle Academic Program Specialist LSA International Institute $ 55,203.00 $ 55,203.00
Long, Logan Help Desk Spt Svc Spec Inter LSA Dean: TS Support Services $ 55,200.00 $ 55,200.00
Martin, Caroline Help Desk Spt Svc Spec Inter LSA Dean: TS Support Services $ 55,200.00 $ 55,200.00
Mulrooney, Kevin Audio-Visual Technician LSA Dean: TS Support Services $ 55,200.00 $ 46,368.00
Zandhuis, Michael Audio-Visual Technician LSA Dean: TS Support Services $ 55,200.00 $ 55,200.00
Ke, Yi-Hong RESEARCH FELLOW LSA Ecology & Evolutionary Bio $ 55,161.00 $ 0.00
Smith-Neely, Katherine Administrative Assistant Sr LSA Dean: Advancement $ 55,105.00 $ 55,105.00
Azmeh, Sarah Nadia LEO Lecturer I LSA American Culture $ 55,080.00 $ 17,368.56
Braden, Peter Watson LEO Lecturer I LSA Asian Languages & Cultures $ 55,080.00 $ 52,118.72
Hawkins, Michael LEO Lecturer I LSA Asian Languages & Cultures $ 55,080.00 $ 17,368.56
Buchanan, Marshall Calvin LEO Lecturer I LSA Classical Studies $ 55,080.00 $ 17,368.56
Braun, Gregory Scott LEO Lecturer I LSA Communication and Media $ 55,080.00 $ 52,118.72
Gavilan, Ariel Alberto LEO Lecturer I LSA Communication and Media $ 55,080.00 $ 17,368.56
Moerkerke, Geertrui LEO Lecturer I LSA Communication and Media $ 55,080.00 $ 52,118.72
Fonseca-Bolorin, Gloryvee LEO Adjunct Lecturer LSA UG: Curriculum Support $ 55,080.00 $ 5,785.20
Stoll, Marie LEO Intermittent Lecturer LSA UG: Residential College $ 55,080.00 $ 34,750.16
Zeman, Tracy Elaine LEO Lecturer I LSA English Language & Lit. $ 55,080.00 $ 52,118.72
Gravenstijn Vliet, Denice LEO Lecturer I LSA Germanic Languages & Lit. $ 55,080.00 $ 17,371.17
Hickok, Michael Robert LEO Lecturer I LSA History $ 55,080.00 $ 34,750.16
Cohen, Hannah Lauren LEO Lecturer I LSA History of Art $ 55,080.00 $ 17,368.56
Gear, Jennifer LEO Lecturer I LSA History of Art $ 55,080.00 $ 52,118.72
Stephens-Chu, Maura LEO Adjunct Lecturer LSA II: Japanese Studies $ 55,080.00 $ 0.00
Page: 96 of 112

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