List of Departments

Number of people in this department: LSa 3342
Maximum Salary:$ 532,413.00
Average Salary:$ 100,535.31
Minimum Salary:$ 32,000.02

2024-25 University of Michigan SalariesPage 4 of 112
Name Title Department FTR GF
Ruetsche, Laura PROFESSOR LSA Philosophy $ 237,758.00 $ 80,837.72
Ritov, Yaacov PROFESSOR LSA Statistics $ 236,900.00 $ 236,900.00
Zhu, Ji PROFESSOR LSA Statistics $ 235,765.00 $ 212,188.50
Schmaltz, Tad M PROFESSOR LSA Philosophy $ 234,998.00 $ 234,998.00
Kollman, Kenneth W PROFESSOR LSA Political Science $ 234,805.00 $ 0.00
Moore, Deborah Dash PROFESSOR LSA History $ 234,152.00 $ 117,076.00
Moore, Deborah Dash PROFESSOR LSA Judaic Studies $ 234,152.00 $ 117,076.00
Bednar, Jennifer L PROFESSOR LSA Political Science $ 234,038.00 $ 58,509.50
Railton, Peter A PROFESSOR LSA Philosophy $ 233,578.00 $ 46,715.60
McLoyd, Vonnie C PROFESSOR LSA Psychology $ 233,330.00 $ 196,720.52
Price, Melynda Janea PROFESSOR LSA Women's and Gender Studies $ 232,620.00 $ 58,155.00
Blum, Joel D PROFESSOR LSA Earth & Environmental Sci. $ 232,527.00 $ 0.00
Douglas, Susan J PROFESSOR LSA Communication and Media $ 232,453.00 $ 174,339.75
Disch, Lisa Jane PROFESSOR LSA Political Science $ 232,279.00 $ 232,279.00
Weatherson, Brian James PROFESSOR LSA Philosophy $ 231,563.00 $ 127,359.65
Adams, William J PROFESSOR LSA Economics $ 231,530.00 $ 185,224.00
Sotelo, Sebastian ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Economics $ 230,377.00 $ 230,377.00
Dotson, Kristie Lynn PROFESSOR LSA Philosophy $ 230,128.00 $ 172,596.00
Dotson, Kristie Lynn PROFESSOR LSA DAAS $ 230,128.00 $ 57,532.00
Thompson, Heather A PROFESSOR LSA DAAS $ 230,071.00 $ 46,014.20
Thompson, Heather A PROFESSOR LSA History $ 230,071.00 $ 57,517.75
Thompson, Heather A Professor LSA UG: Residential College $ 230,071.00 $ 57,517.75
Armstrong, Elizabeth Ann PROFESSOR LSA Sociology $ 229,849.00 $ 229,849.00
Mills, Kenneth PROFESSOR LSA History $ 229,808.00 $ 103,413.60
Caston, Victor PROFESSOR LSA Philosophy $ 228,862.00 $ 228,862.00
Gonzalez, Richard D PROFESSOR LSA Psychology $ 228,354.00 $ 114,177.00
McCracken, Peggy S PROFESSOR LSA Romance Languages & Lit. $ 227,643.00 $ 227,643.00
Williams, Karla Human Resource Director LSA Dean: Human Resources $ 226,432.12 $ 226,432.12
Wang, Naisyin PROFESSOR LSA Statistics $ 225,506.00 $ 225,506.00
Sekaquaptewa, Denise J PROFESSOR LSA Psychology $ 225,500.00 $ 56,375.00
Page: 4 of 112

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