List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: in 967
Maximum Salary:$ 750,000.00
Average Salary:$ 59,316.44
Minimum Salary:$ 27,999.92

2018-19 University of Michigan SalariesPage 22 of 33
Name Title Department FTR GF
Williams, Antwaun INSTRUMENT/STER PROCESSOR Centralized Scope Processing $ 39,312.00 $ 0.00
Williams, Jerard M INSTRUMENT/STER PROCESSOR Centralized Scope Processing $ 39,312.00 $ 0.00
Williams-Smith, Tiffany Marie INSTRUMENT/STER PROCESSOR BCSC CSPD $ 39,312.00 $ 0.00
Cekander, Amber Info Resources Assistant Sr Library Learn-Teach-Connected $ 39,045.04 $ 29,283.78
Obertas, Olga N Info Resources Assistant Sr Library Collect - Tech Service $ 39,045.00 $ 39,045.00
Backhaus, Virginia L Inpatient Unit Clerk UMH Nursing Clerical Services $ 39,008.93 $ 0.00
Blue, Laura Angelee Inpatient Unit Clerk UMH Nursing Clerical Services $ 39,008.93 $ 0.00
Jones, Bradley Instructional Learning Asst Dbn Col of Eng-Ext Learn Outre $ 38,961.00 $ 38,961.00
Wang, I-Chun Info Resources Assistant Sr Library Research - Asia $ 38,918.41 $ 38,918.41
Bruglio, Sherrie Ann Inpatient Unit Clerk UMH Nursing Clerical Services $ 38,896.44 $ 0.00
Kondelik, Vicki J Info Resources Assistant Sr Library Collect - Tech Service $ 38,866.13 $ 38,866.13
Waldron, Valerie Lynn Info Resources Assistant Sr Library Learn-Teach-Connected $ 38,836.27 $ 38,836.27
Galina, Galina iGOR Info Resources Assistant Sr Library Collect - Tech Service $ 38,786.54 $ 38,786.54
Hoffman, Erik Instructional Learning Inter Flint ITS $ 38,760.04 $ 38,760.04
Pawlicki, Jasmine Info Resources Assistant Sr Library Operations - US - OO $ 38,688.40 $ 38,688.40
Cook, Bryan Instructional Learning Asst School of Nursing $ 38,625.00 $ 38,625.00
Ojibway-Gifford, Lenore Info Resources Assistant Sr Library Operations - C - A Svc $ 38,506.54 $ 30,805.23
Lange, Elan Info Resources Assistant Sr Library Collect - MLDD - ILL $ 38,506.53 $ 38,506.53
Ryding, Kaisa Instructional Learning Asst School of Education $ 38,500.02 $ 38,500.00
Jacobson, Marguerite E Info Resources Assistant Sr Library Operations - S - DL $ 38,474.44 $ 38,474.44
Pratt, Joseph C Info Resources Assistant Inter Library Collect - Preservation $ 38,457.27 $ 9,229.75
Gatson, Carlene Inpatient Unit Clerk UMH Nursing Clerical Services $ 38,440.08 $ 0.00
Mason, Lucresha M Inpatient Unit Clerk UMH Nursing Clerical Services $ 38,433.41 $ 0.00
Morrone, Rick Instructional Learning Inter Dbn-Language Culture Communctn $ 38,400.00 $ 19,200.00
Palamaru, Maria Info Resources Assistant Sr Library Operations - S - DL $ 38,381.62 $ 38,381.62
May, Branden Info Resources Assistant Sr Library Collect - MLDD - ILL $ 38,320.36 $ 38,320.36
Barnes, Brooks W Inventory Control Clerk Inter UMH Path Hemo/Coag Unit Uh $ 38,227.03 $ 0.00
Desbrough, Julie Christina Inpatient Unit Clerk UMH Nursing Clerical Services $ 38,187.63 $ 0.00
Baker, Jill Marie Info Resources Assistant Inter Law Library $ 38,161.00 $ 38,161.00
Gibbs, Shakira Regina Inpatient Unit Clerk VVWH $ 38,151.12 $ 0.00
Page: 22 of 33

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