List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: in 967
Maximum Salary:$ 750,000.00
Average Salary:$ 59,316.44
Minimum Salary:$ 27,999.92

2018-19 University of Michigan SalariesPage 19 of 33
Name Title Department FTR GF
Tupper, Benjamin Instructional Learning Asst School of Social Work $ 42,500.12 $ 42,500.00
Skelton, Jason Instructional Learning Asst Flint Off of Extended Learning $ 42,448.28 $ 42,448.32
Robinson, Marietta Inpatient Unit Clerk CW Nursing Clerical Services $ 42,409.07 $ 0.00
Burke, Katherine Inventory Control Clerk Senior UMH Contracts - Proc Admin $ 42,271.06 $ 0.00
Keeler, Jessica Info Resources Assistant Sr Law Library $ 42,230.00 $ 42,230.00
Schlaack, Emily Ann Info Resources Assistant Inter ROSS SCH Kresge Library Servic $ 42,142.18 $ 42,142.18
Boisvert, Adam Info Resources Inter Supr Library Operations - C - A Svc $ 42,127.50 $ 42,127.50
Alarcon, Carlos Interpreter Healthcare UMH Interpreters Program $ 42,096.87 $ 0.00
Esteva, Maria Fernanda Patricia Interpreter Healthcare UMH Interpreters Program $ 42,096.87 $ 0.00
Hajhasan, Rana Interpreter Healthcare UMH Interpreters Program $ 42,096.87 $ 0.00
Elias, Anne Info Resources Assistant Sr Library Collect - Spec Collec $ 42,078.40 $ 42,078.40
Bailey, Nyanatee International Educ Advisor LSA UG: CGIS $ 42,025.00 $ 42,025.00
Xu, Dong Hong Info Resources Assistant Inter ROSS SCH Kresge Library Servic $ 42,009.46 $ 42,009.46
Ryan, Isabelle Interpreter Healthcare UMH Interpreters Program $ 41,989.83 $ 0.00
Kiener, Holly L Info Resources Assistant Inter Library Collect - Tech Service $ 41,929.08 $ 41,929.08
Torosyan, Karine Info Resources Assistant Sr Library Collect - Tech Service $ 41,791.53 $ 41,791.53
Wesolowski, Celina K Inpatient Unit Clerk Nursing Clerical Overhead $ 41,756.05 $ 0.00
White, Kimberly D Inpatient Unit Clerk Nursing Clerical Overhead $ 41,537.32 $ 0.00
Smith, Sunny Dean Info Resources Assoc Supr Library Collect - MLDD - ILL $ 41,428.80 $ 41,428.80
Raley, Lelia Ellen Inpatient Unit Clerk CW Nursing Clerical Services $ 41,428.46 $ 0.00
Burse, Christine A Inpatient Unit Clerk UMH Nursing Clerical Services $ 41,403.77 $ 0.00
Johnson, Shawn D Inpatient Unit Clerk UMH Nursing Clerical Services $ 41,403.77 $ 0.00
King, Linda Ellen Inpatient Unit Clerk UMH Nursing Clerical Services $ 41,403.77 $ 0.00
Robinson, Royce R Info Resources Assistant Sr Law Library $ 41,340.00 $ 41,340.00
Damm, Nancy Ann Info Resources Assistant Sr Library Operations - PC - A $ 41,312.88 $ 41,312.88
Jones, Michele Janine Info Resources Assistant Sr Library Operations - S - DL $ 41,312.74 $ 41,312.74
Johnson, Kimberly Ann Inpatient Unit Clerk UMH Nursing Clerical Services $ 41,304.62 $ 0.00
Smith, Christopher Dou Inventory Control Clerk Inter UMH Path Hemo/Coag Unit Uh $ 41,204.63 $ 0.00
Ruthenberg, Ella Mae Inpatient Unit Clerk UMH Nursing Clerical Services $ 41,139.16 $ 0.00
Tinkham, Joyce A Inpatient Unit Clerk CW Nursing Clerical Services $ 41,139.16 $ 0.00
Page: 19 of 33

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