List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: St 885
Maximum Salary:$ 345,580.27
Average Salary:$ 61,093.42
Minimum Salary:$ 30,000.00

2016-17 University of Michigan SalariesPage 24 of 30
Name Title Department FTR GF
Abid, Robert Student Affairs Program Spec Unions - U-Mix $ 38,468.79 $ 38,468.79
Carter, Eugene L STOCKKEEPER II DENT Patient Services $ 38,438.40 $ 15,375.36
Castleberry, Ronald R STOCKKEEPER II UMH Mat'l Svcs - Warehouse Ops $ 38,438.40 $ 0.00
Deventer, Timothy J STOCKKEEPER II DENT Patient Services $ 38,438.40 $ 34,594.56
Lazarz, Michael K STOCKKEEPER II CoE Resource Planning & Mgmt $ 38,438.40 $ 28,828.80
Montalvo, Daniel STOCKKEEPER II Law School $ 38,438.40 $ 38,438.40
Perez, Gloria Faye STOCKKEEPER II Health Svc General Operations $ 38,438.40 $ 0.00
Runtz, Ronald J STOCKKEEPER II UMH Mat'l Svcs - Warehouse Ops $ 38,438.40 $ 0.00
Schuyler, Robert E STOCKKEEPER II UMH Mat'l Svcs - Warehouse Ops $ 38,438.40 $ 0.00
Sleet, Kathryn Elaine STOCKKEEPER II Facilities $ 38,438.40 $ 0.00
Hirn, Kevin James Student Affairs Program Spec U-M Debate $ 38,399.92 $ 0.00
Holbrook, Jodi Student Admin Asst Assoc SRC-Survey Methodology $ 38,279.56 $ 0.00
Bryant, Christy Student Admin Asst Inter Flint Registrar $ 38,209.19 $ 38,209.14
Maynard, William Carson Student Admin Asst Inter LSA English Language Institute $ 38,151.00 $ 38,151.00
White, Jessica A Student Admin Asst Assoc LSA UG: Student Acad. Affairs $ 38,065.00 $ 38,065.00
Chuang, Jennifer Student Admin Asst Inter LSA Opportunity Hub $ 38,000.04 $ 38,000.00
Schueren, Jared Student Admin Asst Inter LSA UG: UROP $ 38,000.04 $ 38,000.00
Gehringer, Erica Student Admin Asst Inter LSA UG: Student Recruitment $ 38,000.00 $ 38,000.00
Throckmorton, Margaret Student Admin Asst Inter SOE-Student Services $ 38,000.00 $ 38,000.00
Lovelace, Stephanie Student Admin Asst Assoc LSA Asian Languages & Cultures $ 37,800.00 $ 37,800.00
Alt, Jamie Student Affairs Program Spec Unions - U-Mix $ 37,740.08 $ 0.00
Hoppes, James Student Affairs Program Spec Unions-Programs $ 37,740.08 $ 0.00
Taylor, Kyra Student Affairs Program Spec Unions-Programs $ 37,740.08 $ 0.00
Dombrowski, Kayla Lyn Student Admin Asst Assoc LSA Physics $ 37,740.00 $ 37,740.00
Shelton, Kaylee Student Admin Asst Inter LSA Statistics $ 37,648.00 $ 37,648.00
Thomas, Alesha Student Admin Asst Inter Academic Affairs $ 37,521.35 $ 37,521.35
Popov, Justin A Student Admin Asst Inter Dbn Office of the Registrar $ 37,099.92 $ 37,100.00
Godwin, Katherine Student Admin Asst Assoc ROSS SCH Academic Services $ 37,083.00 $ 37,083.00
Yaciuk, Rebecca Student Admin Asst Inter Student Support&Accountability $ 37,000.08 $ 37,000.00
Abiade, Aysha Student Affairs Program Spec Sexual Assault Prev and Aware $ 37,000.08 $ 37,000.00
Page: 24 of 30

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