List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Professor 2040
Maximum Salary:$ 637,403.00
Average Salary:$ 187,362.78
Minimum Salary:$ 38,332.00

2019-20 University of Michigan SalariesPage 66 of 68
Name Title Department FTR GF
Linker, Maureen PROFESSOR Dbn-LiteraturePhilosophy&Arts $ 103,176.00 $ 12,897.00
Dufallo, Basil J PROFESSOR LSA Classical Studies $ 103,140.00 $ 103,140.00
Rush, Stephen J PROFESSOR School of MusicTheatre&Dance $ 102,299.50 $ 102,299.50
Thomas, John Calvin PROFESSOR Dbn CASL-Biological Sciences $ 102,193.00 $ 102,193.00
Crowell, Susan E Professor LSA UG: Residential College $ 102,034.00 $ 76,525.50
Wayman Jr, Francis W PROFESSOR Dbn CASL-Social Sciences $ 102,033.00 $ 102,033.00
Hughes, Paul M PROFESSOR Dbn-LiteraturePhilosophy&Arts $ 101,481.00 $ 101,481.00
Harding, Christopher Todd PROFESSOR School of MusicTheatre&Dance $ 100,940.12 $ 100,940.12
Owusu, Maxwell K PROFESSOR LSA Anthropology $ 100,848.00 $ 100,848.00
Pelton, Carmen PROFESSOR School of MusicTheatre&Dance $ 100,789.79 $ 100,789.79
Crowell, Susan E PROFESSOR Stamps School of Art & Design $ 100,734.00 $ 25,183.50
Furman, Marva J PROFESSOR Flint English $ 100,713.64 $ 100,713.64
Lindner, Rudi P PROFESSOR EMERITUS/A LSA Middle East Studies $ 100,576.00 $ 22,353.04
Luthra, Rashmi PROFESSOR Dbn-Language Culture Communctn $ 100,571.00 $ 100,571.00
Jenckes, Katharine Miller PROFESSOR LSA Romance Languages & Lit. $ 100,380.00 $ 100,380.00
Vansant, Jacqueline PROFESSOR Dbn-Language Culture Communctn $ 100,378.00 $ 100,378.00
Anderson, Jami L PROFESSOR Flint Philosophy $ 100,250.79 $ 100,250.79
Chang, Chun-Shu PROFESSOR LSA History $ 100,000.00 $ 100,000.00
Hass, Kristin Ann Professor LSA UG: Honors $ 100,000.00 $ 25,000.00
Tropman, John E PROFESSOR EMERITUS/A School of Social Work $ 100,000.00 $ 26,700.00
Simkani, Mehrdad PROFESSOR Flint Mathematics $ 99,722.55 $ 99,722.55
Erickson, Susan N PROFESSOR Dbn-LiteraturePhilosophy&Arts $ 99,323.00 $ 99,323.00
Lehman, John T PROFESSOR LSA Ecology & Evolutionary Bio $ 98,430.00 $ 98,430.00
Gould, Michael PROFESSOR School of MusicTheatre&Dance $ 97,656.24 $ 48,828.12
Wrobel, Nancy Howells PROFESSOR Dbn CASL-Psychology $ 97,281.00 $ 97,281.00
Westlake, Jane PROFESSOR School of MusicTheatre&Dance $ 96,735.17 $ 96,735.17
Garrett, Charles Hiroshi PROFESSOR School of MusicTheatre&Dance $ 96,280.59 $ 96,280.59
Kibbie, James W PROFESSOR School of MusicTheatre&Dance $ 95,914.06 $ 95,914.06
Pecina, Susana Maria PROFESSOR Dbn CASL-Psychology $ 95,758.00 $ 95,758.00
Chavasse, Amy Grant PROFESSOR SMTD Department of Dance $ 95,720.70 $ 95,720.70
Page: 66 of 68

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