List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Professor 2040
Maximum Salary:$ 637,403.00
Average Salary:$ 187,362.78
Minimum Salary:$ 38,332.00

2019-20 University of Michigan SalariesPage 35 of 68
Name Title Department FTR GF
Traub, Valerie J PROFESSOR LSA English Language & Lit. $ 182,000.00 $ 0.00
Traub, Valerie J PROFESSOR LSA Women's Studies $ 182,000.00 $ 81,900.00
Liu, Yili PROFESSOR Industrial & Operations Engin $ 181,927.00 $ 181,927.00
Brandwein, Pamela PROFESSOR LSA Political Science $ 181,694.00 $ 181,694.00
Campbell, Myron K PROFESSOR LSA Physics $ 181,561.00 $ 181,561.00
Moss, Sarah Swanson PROFESSOR LSA Philosophy $ 181,432.00 $ 181,432.00
Swanson, Eric Peter PROFESSOR LSA Philosophy $ 181,432.00 $ 181,432.00
Stein, Jeffrey L PROFESSOR Mechanical Engineering $ 181,409.00 $ 163,268.10
Merlin, Roberto D PROFESSOR LSA Physics $ 181,355.00 $ 181,355.00
Epureanu, Bogdan PROFESSOR Mechanical Engineering $ 181,000.00 $ 144,800.00
Kearfott, Kimberlee J PROFESSOR Nuclear Eng & Radiological Sci $ 181,000.00 $ 181,000.00
Tate, Denise G PROFESSOR PM&R $ 180,665.10 $ 9,033.26
Atreya, Arvind PROFESSOR Mechanical Engineering $ 180,651.00 $ 90,325.50
Andrews, Philip C PROFESSOR Biological Chemistry Dept $ 180,650.00 $ 162,585.00
Kirschner, Denise E PROFESSOR Microbiology and Immunology $ 180,598.09 $ 74,046.30
Holden, Janean E PROFESSOR School of Nursing $ 180,597.96 $ 180,597.96
Montgomery, John PROFESSOR LSA Chemistry $ 180,574.00 $ 127,900.56
Durfee, Edmund H PROFESSOR EECS - CSE Division $ 180,535.00 $ 135,401.25
Hicken, Allen D PROFESSOR LSA Political Science $ 180,326.00 $ 180,326.00
Meeker, John D PROFESSOR Environmental Health Sciences $ 180,250.00 $ 34,228.12
Laine, Richard M PROFESSOR Materials Science & Engin. $ 180,223.00 $ 171,211.85
Schotland, John Carl PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 180,198.00 $ 90,099.00
Schotland, John Carl PROFESSOR LSA Physics $ 180,198.00 $ 90,099.00
Bowman, Phillip Jess PROFESSOR SOE-CSHPE $ 180,191.59 $ 180,191.59
Cardinal, Vincent PROFESSOR School of MusicTheatre&Dance $ 180,133.77 $ 99,073.57
Markovits, Andrei S PROFESSOR LSA Germanic Languages & Lit. $ 180,017.00 $ 90,008.50
Markovits, Andrei S PROFESSOR LSA Political Science $ 180,017.00 $ 90,008.50
Paul, Ara G PROFESSOR EMERITUS/A College of Pharmacy $ 180,000.01 $ 54,000.00
Strecher, Victor J PROFESSOR Hlth Behavior & Hlth Ed Dept $ 180,000.00 $ 135,000.00
Sylvester, Dennis Michael PROFESSOR COE EECS - ECE Division $ 180,000.00 $ 89,999.10
Page: 35 of 68

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