List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Professor 2047
Maximum Salary:$ 577,012.46
Average Salary:$ 201,043.97
Minimum Salary:$ 48,000.00

2023-24 University of Michigan SalariesPage 2 of 69
Name Title Department FTR GF
Miller, Richard A PROFESSOR MM Pathology Department $ 384,585.90 $ 38,458.59
Forrest, Stephen R PROFESSOR EECS - ECE Division $ 384,499.00 $ 76,899.80
Friedenberg, Amanda Yvette PROFESSOR LSA Economics $ 382,415.00 $ 382,415.00
Lehavy, Reuven PROFESSOR Ross School of Business $ 379,000.00 $ 359,367.80
Kaul, Gautam PROFESSOR Ross School of Business $ 376,000.00 $ 347,424.00
Nunez, Gabriel PROFESSOR MM Pathology Department $ 371,873.64 $ 0.00
Manchanda, Puneet PROFESSOR Ross School of Business $ 371,000.00 $ 186,427.50
Tesar, Linda L PROFESSOR LSA Economics $ 369,000.00 $ 92,250.00
Waljee, Akbar PROFESSOR MM DLHS Administration $ 367,462.80 $ 140,040.07
Friedman, Richard D PROFESSOR Law School $ 364,208.00 $ 174,819.84
Herzog, Donald Jay PROFESSOR Law School $ 364,208.00 $ 236,735.20
MacKinnon, Catharine A PROFESSOR Law School $ 364,208.00 $ 0.00
Sherman, David H PROFESSOR PHARMACY Medicinal Chemistry $ 363,757.00 $ 125,768.98
Kowalski, Amanda PROFESSOR LSA Economics $ 361,400.00 $ 234,910.00
Krishnan, Mayuram S PROFESSOR Ross School of Business $ 361,000.00 $ 224,614.20
Hines Jr, James R PROFESSOR Law School $ 358,632.00 $ 35,863.20
Borgers, Tilman M PROFESSOR LSA Economics $ 358,400.00 $ 35,840.00
Feinberg, Fred M PROFESSOR Ross School of Business $ 356,000.00 $ 243,860.00
Ulaby, Fawwaz T PROFESSOR EMERITUS/A EECS - ECE Division $ 354,302.66 $ 106,290.80
Page, Scott E PROFESSOR Ross School of Business $ 352,000.00 $ 193,494.40
Johnson, Timothy R B PROFESSOR MM Obstetrics & Gynecology Dpt $ 350,201.87 $ 7,005.26
Indjejikian, Raffi J PROFESSOR Ross School of Business $ 350,000.00 $ 298,375.00
Wooten, David B PROFESSOR Ross School of Business $ 349,200.00 $ 325,943.28
Dunnick, N Reed PROFESSOR MM Department of Radiology $ 347,533.00 $ 0.00
Lewis, Earl PROFESSOR LSA History $ 347,081.00 $ 43,385.13
Lewis, Earl PROFESSOR LSA DAAS $ 347,081.00 $ 43,385.13
Rajan, Uday PROFESSOR Ross School of Business $ 347,000.00 $ 175,512.60
Polverini, Peter J PROFESSOR DENT Oral Med/Path/Oncology $ 346,599.55 $ 331,858.67
Little, Daniel E PROFESSOR Dbn CASL-Language Culture Arts $ 346,010.78 $ 346,010.78
Ball, Deborah Loewenberg PROFESSOR MARSAL EDUC - School of Educ $ 345,863.54 $ 276,517.90
Page: 2 of 69

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