List of Departments

Number of people in this department: LSA Economics 70
Maximum Salary:$ 463,500.00
Average Salary:$ 201,949.07
Minimum Salary:$ 38,702.20

2023-24 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 3
Name Title Department FTR GF
Slemrod, Joel B PROFESSOR LSA Economics $ 463,500.00 $ 152,955.00
Whited, Toni Marion PROFESSOR LSA Economics $ 435,000.00 $ 435,000.00
Leahy, John V PROFESSOR LSA Economics $ 422,000.00 $ 147,700.00
Shapiro, Matthew D PROFESSOR LSA Economics $ 416,000.00 $ 64,896.00
Levchenko, Andrei A PROFESSOR LSA Economics $ 412,675.00 $ 288,872.50
Hines Jr, James R PROFESSOR LSA Economics $ 409,600.00 $ 204,800.00
Zafar, Basit Ahmed Khan PROFESSOR LSA Economics $ 402,225.00 $ 349,935.75
Stephens Jr, Melvin PROFESSOR LSA Economics $ 386,250.00 $ 386,250.00
Friedenberg, Amanda Yvette PROFESSOR LSA Economics $ 382,415.00 $ 382,415.00
Tesar, Linda L PROFESSOR LSA Economics $ 369,000.00 $ 92,250.00
Kowalski, Amanda PROFESSOR LSA Economics $ 361,400.00 $ 234,910.00
Borgers, Tilman M PROFESSOR LSA Economics $ 358,400.00 $ 35,840.00
Wolfers, Justin PROFESSOR LSA Economics $ 336,650.00 $ 84,162.50
Rhode, Paul W PROFESSOR LSA Economics $ 332,800.00 $ 332,800.00
Dominguez, Kathryn Mary PROFESSOR LSA Economics $ 303,800.00 $ 75,950.00
Bleakley Jr, Crawford PROFESSOR LSA Economics $ 303,800.00 $ 303,800.00
Fan, Ying ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Economics $ 290,000.00 $ 290,000.00
House, Christopher L PROFESSOR LSA Economics $ 286,720.00 $ 286,720.00
Yang, Dean C PROFESSOR LSA Economics $ 280,800.00 $ 92,664.00
Cravino, Javier ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Economics $ 267,750.00 $ 267,750.00
Exley, Christine ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Economics $ 260,000.00 $ 260,000.00
Stolyarov, Dmitriy L PROFESSOR LSA Economics $ 245,100.00 $ 245,100.00
Miller, David A ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Economics $ 243,050.00 $ 243,050.00
Ehrlich, Gabriel ASST RES SCIENTIST LSA Economics $ 240,037.05 $ 132,020.38
Terry, Stephen James ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Economics $ 240,000.00 $ 240,000.00
Ehrlich, Gabriel Director LSA Economics $ 238,879.00 $ 28,665.48
Adams, William J PROFESSOR LSA Economics $ 231,530.00 $ 185,224.00
Laitner, John P PROFESSOR LSA Economics $ 226,240.00 $ 226,240.00
Sotelo, Sebastian ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Economics $ 220,350.00 $ 220,350.00
Mueller-Smith, Michael G ASST PROFESSOR LSA Economics $ 184,925.00 $ 146,701.00
Page: 1 of 3

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