List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Administra 910
Maximum Salary:$ 278,620.00
Average Salary:$ 62,625.27
Minimum Salary:$ 29,172.00

2017-18 University of Michigan SalariesPage 26 of 31
Name Title Department FTR GF
Moubarak, Isslam Administrative Assistant Inter G. Ford Sc Pub Pol $ 39,999.96 $ 34,000.00
Szymarek, Rachel Administrative Assistant Inter Health Management and Policy $ 39,999.96 $ 0.00
Tanksley, Ashley Administrative Assistant Inter Hlth Behavior & Hlth Ed Dept $ 39,999.96 $ 0.00
Marshall, Sharon Administrative Assistant Inter Dbn Office of the Provost $ 39,999.96 $ 40,000.00
Patapoff, Tasha Administrative Assistant Sr Treasurer's Office $ 39,999.96 $ 0.00
Smokovich, Emily Sophie Administrative Assistant Sr School of MusicTheatre&Dance $ 39,999.96 $ 40,000.00
Yang, Katherine Leigh Administrative Assistant Sr International Center $ 39,999.96 $ 37,000.00
Gonzalez-Garcia, Laura Administrative Assistant Assoc Ctr for Res on Learn & Teach $ 39,900.12 $ 39,900.00
Nagle, Steven Administrative Assistant Inter CoE Communications & Marketing $ 39,900.00 $ 39,900.00
Korte-Williams, Rena Ann Administrative Assistant Inter Space Analysis & Prop Control $ 39,884.54 $ 39,884.54
Arendt, Kelsey Administrative Assistant Assoc Athletics $ 39,780.00 $ 0.00
McClain, Crista Administrative Assistant Inter DENT Dev & Alumni Relations $ 39,760.04 $ 39,760.04
Swartz, Anna Administrative Assistant Inter Flint School of Management $ 39,712.20 $ 39,712.20
Wilson, Pamela S Administrative Assistant Inter International Center $ 39,649.73 $ 0.00
Lee, Janice Administrative Assistant Assoc SRC - Youth & Social Issues $ 39,541.10 $ 0.00
Munger, Yulelissa Administrative Assistant Sr Flint Physical Therapy $ 39,535.20 $ 39,535.20
Zimmerman, Kelsey Administrative Assistant Assoc SRC-Hrs $ 39,520.04 $ 0.00
Ohryn, Elizabeth Administrative Assistant Assoc SRO-Data Collection Operations $ 39,520.00 $ 0.00
Kashani, Sarvin Administrative Assistant Inter LSA Dean: Development $ 39,499.98 $ 39,500.00
Tracy, Patricia Administrative Assistant Sr Flint Std Involvement & Ldrshp $ 39,341.40 $ 39,341.40
Scheitler, Karol Ann Administrative Assistant Inter Flint Dept of Chem/Biochem $ 39,319.18 $ 39,319.18
Brzezinski, Linda Administrative Assistant Inter ROSS SCH Admin Core Team $ 39,253.32 $ 39,253.32
Anderson, Cynthia M Administrative Assistant Assoc Duderstadt Ctr Admin $ 39,216.01 $ 39,216.01
Roberts, Lauren Elizabeth Administrative Assistant Inter Athletics $ 39,212.68 $ 0.00
Ruhala, Patti Administrative Assistant Inter Flint Dept Pub Hlth & Hlth Sci $ 39,153.96 $ 39,153.96
Jeffreys, Lisa L Administrative Assistant Inter VP for Communications $ 39,140.14 $ 29,355.03
Cooprider, Emily Administrative Assistant Inter Dbn CEHHS-Early Child Educ $ 39,140.04 $ 0.00
McPherson, Hannah Administrative Assistant Assoc School of Social Work $ 39,140.00 $ 39,140.00
Sistek, Denise Administrative Assistant Assoc School of Nursing $ 39,140.00 $ 0.00
Rama, Denisa Administrative Assistant Inter LSA Dean: Advancement $ 39,113.00 $ 39,113.00
Page: 26 of 31

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