List of Departments

Number of people in this department: Flint Art & Art History 19
Maximum Salary:$ 133,651.51
Average Salary:$ 53,475.27
Minimum Salary:$ 27,300.00

2017-18 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
Waters, Christine M PROFESSOR Flint Art & Art History $ 133,651.51 $ 133,651.51
Baird, Darryl G PROFESSOR Flint Art & Art History $ 92,326.37 $ 92,326.37
Sevick, Michael C ASSOC PROFESSOR Flint Art & Art History $ 77,441.39 $ 77,441.39
Lippert, Sarah ASSOC PROFESSOR Flint Art & Art History $ 73,162.24 $ 73,162.24
Velliky, Cristen L ASSOC PROFESSOR Flint Art & Art History $ 72,607.50 $ 72,607.50
Lorch, Janet L LEO Lecturer IV Flint Art & Art History $ 65,074.21 $ 48,805.66
Gaydos, Benjamin ASST PROFESSOR Flint Art & Art History $ 62,434.56 $ 62,434.56
Wagonlander, Charles F LEO Lecturer IV Flint Art & Art History $ 55,852.79 $ 41,889.60
Zeiss, Rebecca S LEO Lecturer III Flint Art & Art History $ 41,820.00 $ 41,820.00
Stevens, Holly A LEO Lecturer II Flint Art & Art History $ 40,870.83 $ 20,435.44
Dubrovich, Alla B LEO Lecturer II Flint Art & Art History $ 37,960.20 $ 18,980.10
Young Jr, Donal Boyd LEO Lecturer II Flint Art & Art History $ 37,199.81 $ 18,599.92
Cheek, James LEO Lecturer II Flint Art & Art History $ 36,663.92 $ 18,332.00
Cheek, James Laboratory/Classroom Svcs Tech Flint Art & Art History $ 36,532.54 $ 9,133.14
Glover, Gale Administrative Assistant Inter Flint Art & Art History $ 36,242.85 $ 36,242.85
Hess, Gerald A LEO Lecturer I Flint Art & Art History $ 32,328.06 $ 16,164.08
Johnson, Linda Maria LEO Lecturer I Flint Art & Art History $ 29,261.44 $ 21,946.08
Heddy, Autumn Grace LEO Lecturer I Flint Art & Art History $ 27,300.00 $ 6,824.96
Gralewski, Timothy Gerald LEO Lecturer I Flint Art & Art History $ 27,300.00 $ 13,650.00
Page: 1 of 1

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