List of Departments

Number of people in this department: MM 30482
Maximum Salary:$ 1,640,038.40
Average Salary:$ 94,936.52
Minimum Salary:$ 31,200.00

2023-24 University of Michigan SalariesPage 392 of 1017
Name Title Department FTR GF
Mosley, Anthony Labor Relations Rep Inter MM Human Resources $ 92,700.00 $ 0.00
Oravecz-Wilson, Katherine I Research Lab Specialist Lead MM Int Med-Cardiology $ 92,700.00 $ 0.00
Ortiz, Alisa Kay Financial Specialist Senior MM BRCF Administration $ 92,700.00 $ 92,700.00
You, Daekeun Software Developer Senior MM Rad Oncology - Physics $ 92,677.47 $ 0.00
Smith, Valerie S Student Affairs Program Mgr MM Neuroscience Graduate Progr $ 92,671.16 $ 0.00
Spina, Ryan Radiology Supervisor MM Radiology UH $ 92,648.31 $ 0.00
Boughton, Ryan Allied Health Intermediate Sup MM Microbiol Pathology $ 92,610.15 $ 0.00
Boyd, Melissa Ann Allied Health Intermediate Sup MM Chemical Pathology $ 92,610.15 $ 0.00
Sawani, Jina Public Relations Rep Lead MM Dept of Communication $ 92,610.00 $ 0.00
Linkowski, Paul T Web Designer Senior MM Dept of Communication $ 92,596.66 $ 0.00
Yake, Debra Training Specialist Senior MM DLHS Clin. Simulation Ctr $ 92,593.76 $ 0.00
Stephens, Lindsey Nicole Ultrasound Technologist MM BCSC Radiology $ 92,591.90 $ 0.00
Xiao, Hong Allied Health Intermediate Sup MM Cytogenetics Lab $ 92,588.82 $ 0.00
Pernal, Maria Stanislawa Admin Specialist Senior Health MM Accreditation $ 92,580.89 $ 0.00
Andrews, Stacy Michelle Cardiac Sono Non-Invasive Tech MM Echocardio Technical $ 92,566.14 $ 0.00
Beaudry, Bridgette Cardiac Sono Non-Invasive Tech MM Echocardio Technical $ 92,566.14 $ 0.00
Butler, Yelena Alexeyevna Cardiac Sono Non-Invasive Tech MM Echocardio Technical $ 92,566.14 $ 0.00
Cermak, Lisa M Cardiac Sono Non-Invasive Tech MM Echocardio Technical $ 92,566.14 $ 0.00
Dewar, Bronwyn Mary Cardiac Sono Non-Invasive Tech MM Echocardio Technical $ 92,566.14 $ 0.00
Barden, Anthony Business Systems Analyst Sr MM HITS CRC Amb HmHlth Phoenix $ 92,566.10 $ 0.00
Elenio, Michael App Sys Analyst/Programmer Sr MM HITS CRC RadOnc/PstAcute Ca $ 92,566.10 $ 0.00
Moisan, Anthony W App Programmer/Analyst Sr MM HITS ETS InfraSvcs-Intrfc $ 92,566.10 $ 0.00
Snyder, Kelly Marie Business Systems Analyst Sr MM HITS CRC Resolute/Grnd Cent $ 92,566.10 $ 0.00
Herwick, Tom Network Architect Intermediate MM HITS EI Netwrk & Comm Suppt $ 92,566.10 $ 0.00
Mann, Jason Project Senior Manager MM IM-Geri & Palliative Med. $ 92,566.10 $ 0.00
Lassila, Kathleen MRI Technologist MM Radiology UH $ 92,562.93 $ 0.00
Smith, Tanya Acton Social Worker MSW Senior MM Soc Wrk - Adm & Guest Suprt $ 92,549.50 $ 0.00
Patel, Vidhi REGISTERED NURSE - LEVEL E MM UH CVC 4D $ 92,539.20 $ 0.00
Hume, Nicole Marie REGISTERED NURSE - LEVEL E MM East Ann Arbor Oper Room $ 92,539.20 $ 0.00
Brand, David Business Systems Analyst Sr MM Quality - Patient Safety $ 92,538.00 $ 0.00
Page: 392 of 1017

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