List of Departments

Number of people in this department: Flint Innovation & Tech Dean 22
Maximum Salary:$ 241,940.05
Average Salary:$ 96,188.06
Minimum Salary:$ 37,000.08

2023-24 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
Pearson, Christopher A DEAN Flint Innovation & Tech Dean $ 241,940.05 $ 241,940.05
Kessentini, Marouane ASSOC DEAN Flint Innovation & Tech Dean $ 190,000.00 $ 95,000.00
Alsup, James DIR ACADEMIC PROGRAM Flint Innovation & Tech Dean $ 165,000.00 $ 82,500.00
Uludag, Suleyman DIRECTOR Flint Innovation & Tech Dean $ 165,000.00 $ 54,450.00
McLeman, Cameron DIR ACADEMIC PROGRAM Flint Innovation & Tech Dean $ 165,000.00 $ 82,500.00
Alhosban, Amal DIR ACADEMIC PROGRAM Flint Innovation & Tech Dean $ 165,000.00 $ 82,500.00
Malik, Khalid Mahmood DIR ACADEMIC PROGRAM Flint Innovation & Tech Dean $ 165,000.00 $ 82,500.00
Rosemary, David Systems Administrator Inter Flint Innovation & Tech Dean $ 87,949.16 $ 87,949.13
Resowski, Shannon Student Affairs Assistant Dir Flint Innovation & Tech Dean $ 69,592.50 $ 69,592.50
Banks, Amanda Cooperative Program Manager Flint Innovation & Tech Dean $ 63,345.00 $ 63,345.00
Dobbs, Jeffery A Academic Advisor/Couns Senior Flint Innovation & Tech Dean $ 62,958.02 $ 62,958.02
Ming, Laurel Office Manager Flint Innovation & Tech Dean $ 62,500.00 $ 62,500.00
Hackett, Jordan Business Administrator Inter Flint Innovation & Tech Dean $ 59,814.72 $ 59,814.72
Kraut, Aubree Program Manager Flint Innovation & Tech Dean $ 59,431.00 $ 59,431.00
Slackta, Patricia A Administrative Assistant Sr Flint Innovation & Tech Dean $ 58,632.75 $ 58,632.75
McCullough, Robert Communications Specialist Flint Innovation & Tech Dean $ 57,300.00 $ 57,300.00
LeSage, Heather Administrative Specialist Flint Innovation & Tech Dean $ 57,000.00 $ 57,000.00
McCabe, Daniel Academic Advisor/Couns Inter Flint Innovation & Tech Dean $ 52,000.00 $ 52,000.00
Bennett, Ashley Academic Advisor/Couns Assoc Flint Innovation & Tech Dean $ 47,100.00 $ 0.00
Weirauch, Cydnee Academic Advisor/Couns Inter Flint Innovation & Tech Dean $ 44,774.10 $ 44,774.10
Denoyer, Lydia Academic Advisor/Couns Assoc Flint Innovation & Tech Dean $ 39,800.00 $ 39,800.00
O'Brien, Kelly Administrative Assistant Inter Flint Innovation & Tech Dean $ 37,000.08 $ 37,000.00
Page: 1 of 1

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