List of Departments

Number of people in this department: LS 2765
Maximum Salary:$ 426,901.00
Average Salary:$ 77,852.97
Minimum Salary:$ 24,000.00

2012-13 University of Michigan SalariesPage 2 of 109
Name Title Department FTR GF
Hochster, Melvin PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 207,120.00 $ 207,120.00
Lopez Jr, Donald S PROFESSOR LSA Asian Languages & Cultures $ 206,600.00 $ 206,600.00
Rhode, Paul W PROFESSOR LSA Economics $ 205,000.00 $ 205,000.00
Kilian, Lutz PROFESSOR LSA Economics $ 205,000.00 $ 205,000.00
Murphy, Susan A PROFESSOR LSA Statistics $ 203,333.33 $ 61,000.00
Robinson, Terry E PROFESSOR LSA Psychology $ 200,627.00 $ 187,148.88
Deardorff, Alan V PROFESSOR LSA Economics $ 200,499.97 $ 0.00
He, Xuming PROFESSOR LSA Statistics $ 200,350.00 $ 200,350.00
Laitner, John P PROFESSOR LSA Economics $ 200,000.00 $ 100,000.00
Kimball, Miles S PROFESSOR LSA Economics $ 200,000.00 $ 200,000.00
Ewing, Rodney C PROFESSOR LSA Earth & Environmental Sci. $ 199,100.00 $ 199,100.00
Antonucci, Toni C PROFESSOR LSA Psychology $ 197,912.00 $ 98,956.00
Eccles, Jacquelynne S PROFESSOR LSA Psychology $ 196,726.00 $ 98,363.00
Stewart, Abigail J PROFESSOR LSA Women's Studies $ 196,072.00 $ 78,428.80
Stewart, Abigail J PROFESSOR LSA Psychology $ 196,072.00 $ 98,036.00
Salant, Stephen W PROFESSOR LSA Economics $ 195,000.00 $ 97,500.00
Sarter, Martin Friedrich PROFESSOR LSA Psychology $ 194,908.00 $ 110,341.32
Jonides, John PROFESSOR LSA Psychology $ 194,847.00 $ 124,532.56
Gibbard, Allan F PROFESSOR LSA Philosophy $ 192,700.00 $ 192,700.00
Meyer, David E PROFESSOR LSA Psychology $ 192,188.00 $ 192,188.00
Davenport, Christian PROFESSOR LSA Political Science $ 192,000.00 $ 192,000.00
Sarris, Robin Ann Administrative Director LSA Dean: Dean's Office $ 190,000.00 $ 190,000.00
Shipan, Charles R PROFESSOR LSA Political Science $ 190,000.00 $ 102,600.00
Hutchings, Vincent L PROFESSOR LSA Political Science $ 189,220.00 $ 189,220.00
McLoyd, Vonnie C PROFESSOR LSA Psychology $ 188,717.00 $ 188,717.00
Kinder, Donald R PROFESSOR LSA Political Science $ 188,353.00 $ 188,353.00
Dominguez, Kathryn Mary PROFESSOR LSA Economics $ 188,000.00 $ 47,000.00
Stephens Jr, Melvin ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Economics $ 186,500.00 $ 186,500.00
Grzymala-Busse, Anna PROFESSOR LSA Political Science $ 186,395.00 $ 186,395.00
Smith, Sidonie A PROFESSOR LSA English Language & Lit. $ 186,103.00 $ 46,525.75
Page: 2 of 109

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