List of Departments

Number of people in this department: LAW 289
Maximum Salary:$ 536,974.00
Average Salary:$ 123,985.08
Minimum Salary:$ 35,700.00

2020-21 University of Michigan SalariesPage 2 of 10
Name Title Department FTR GF
Choi, Albert Haewon PROFESSOR Law School $ 255,336.00 $ 255,336.00
Primus, Richard A PROFESSOR Law School $ 255,336.00 $ 255,336.00
Tukel, Jonathan LEO Lecturer II Law School $ 254,519.08 $ 25,165.92
Feller, Leonid LEO Lecturer II Law School $ 254,519.08 $ 25,165.92
Connors, Timothy LEO Lecturer II Law School $ 254,518.24 $ 75,497.52
Beny, Laura Nyantung PROFESSOR Law School $ 246,241.00 $ 61,560.25
Crane, Daniel A PROFESSOR Law School $ 246,241.00 $ 246,241.00
Pottow, John A E PROFESSOR Law School $ 246,241.00 $ 135,432.55
Dubin, Michael S Development Director Lead Law School $ 246,000.00 $ 246,000.00
Frasier, Michele Administrative Director Law School $ 246,000.00 $ 246,000.00
Zearfoss, Sarah C Assistant Dean Law School $ 246,000.00 $ 246,000.00
Hurley, Daniel R LEO Lecturer II Law School $ 238,284.69 $ 70,682.24
Seinfeld, Gil ASSOC DEAN Law School $ 238,174.00 $ 238,174.00
Howson, Nicholas Calcina PROFESSOR Law School $ 238,174.00 $ 23,817.40
Uhlmann, David M LEO Lecturer IV Law School $ 233,281.96 $ 116,640.98
Niehoff, Leonard Marvin LEO Lecturer II Law School $ 233,281.96 $ 0.00
Uhlmann, David M Program Manager Law School $ 233,281.95 $ 0.00
Primus, Eve Brensike PROFESSOR Law School $ 232,828.00 $ 232,828.00
Prescott, James Jondall PROFESSOR Law School $ 232,828.00 $ 0.00
Hershovitz, Scott A PROFESSOR Law School $ 228,937.00 $ 0.00
Bienenstock, Martin Jay LEO Intermittent Lecturer Law School $ 227,084.38 $ 22,453.28
Hakimi, Monica ASSOC DEAN Law School $ 225,152.00 $ 225,152.00
Mortenson, Julian D PROFESSOR Law School $ 220,552.00 $ 77,193.20
Dickinson, Timothy L LEO Lecturer IV Law School $ 220,205.74 $ 0.00
Bagley, Nicholas PROFESSOR Law School $ 216,054.00 $ 216,054.00
Daugirdas, Kristina B PROFESSOR Law School $ 216,054.00 $ 216,054.00
Hirshon, Robert Edward LEO Lecturer II Law School $ 215,084.79 $ 0.00
Santarosa, Veronica Aoki PROFESSOR Law School $ 214,293.00 $ 214,293.00
Andrias, Kate PROFESSOR Law School $ 211,989.00 $ 211,989.00
Mendlow, Gabriel Seltzer PROFESSOR Law School $ 211,989.00 $ 105,994.50
Page: 2 of 10

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