List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: PROFESSOR 2029
Maximum Salary:$ 637,403.00
Average Salary:$ 187,467.91
Minimum Salary:$ 48,000.00

2020-21 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 68
Name Title Department FTR GF
Woolliscroft, James O PROFESSOR Int Med-General Medicine $ 637,403.00 $ 0.00
McCauley, Laurie Kay PROFESSOR DENT Periodontics and Oral Med $ 537,148.00 $ 67,969.63
Whited, Toni Marion PROFESSOR Ross School of Business $ 461,000.00 $ 274,663.80
Hopp, Wallace J PROFESSOR Ross School of Business $ 460,000.00 $ 418,140.00
Watson Jr, Stanley J PROFESSOR Psychiatry Department $ 433,420.00 $ 21,671.00
Krishna, Aradhna J PROFESSOR Ross School of Business $ 410,000.00 $ 348,582.00
Slemrod, Joel B PROFESSOR Ross School of Business $ 405,000.00 $ 168,454.08
Slemrod, Joel B PROFESSOR LSA Economics $ 405,000.00 $ 133,650.00
Muraszko, Karin M PROFESSOR Neurosurgery $ 392,436.00 $ 0.00
Duderstadt, James J PROFESSOR Ofc Provost & Exec VP Acad Aff $ 390,888.00 $ 0.00
Wang, Kon-Well PROFESSOR Mechanical Engineering $ 378,456.00 $ 70,960.50
Miller, Gregory Smith PROFESSOR Ross School of Business $ 377,000.00 $ 272,797.20
Westphal, James D PROFESSOR Ross School of Business $ 371,500.00 $ 175,682.35
Kolars, Joseph C PROFESSOR Int Med-Gastroenterology $ 368,251.00 $ 0.00
Davis, Gerald F PROFESSOR Ross School of Business $ 367,500.00 $ 267,503.25
Ashford, Susan J PROFESSOR Ross School of Business $ 366,000.00 $ 293,678.40
Smith, Terry PROFESSOR Ophthalmology & Visual Science $ 363,465.00 $ 0.00
Kim, E Han PROFESSOR Ross School of Business $ 363,000.00 $ 80,655.70
Elder, James T PROFESSOR Dermatology Department $ 362,760.00 $ 9,864.49
Lafontaine, Francine PROFESSOR Ross School of Business $ 359,000.00 $ 114,990.11
Kaul, Gautam PROFESSOR Ross School of Business $ 359,000.00 $ 334,229.00
Duenyas, Izak PROFESSOR Ross School of Business $ 358,000.00 $ 262,163.40
Leahy, John V PROFESSOR G. Ford Sc Pub Pol $ 357,185.00 $ 133,944.38
Jagsi, Reshma PROFESSOR Radiation Oncology - Ann Arbor $ 355,480.29 $ 0.00
Jacob, Brian Aaron PROFESSOR G. Ford Sc Pub Pol $ 351,488.00 $ 219,680.00
Leahy, John V PROFESSOR LSA Economics $ 351,000.00 $ 122,850.00
Levchenko, Andrei A PROFESSOR LSA Economics $ 350,000.00 $ 350,000.00
Kendall, Christopher Wolff PROFESSOR School of MusicTheatre&Dance $ 348,474.00 $ 348,474.00
Dunnick, N Reed PROFESSOR Department of Radiology $ 347,533.00 $ 0.00
Miller, Richard A PROFESSOR Pathology Department $ 346,932.00 $ 34,693.20
Page: 1 of 68

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