List of Departments

Number of people in this department: Biological Chemistry Dept 74
Maximum Salary:$ 266,804.29
Average Salary:$ 90,717.46
Minimum Salary:$ 32,000.02

2020-21 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 3
Name Title Department FTR GF
Morrissey, James Henry PROFESSOR Biological Chemistry Dept $ 266,804.29 $ 78,899.90
Banerjee, Ruma PROFESSOR Biological Chemistry Dept $ 266,049.00 $ 154,574.47
Ragsdale, Stephen W PROFESSOR Biological Chemistry Dept $ 264,485.00 $ 165,834.74
Hanson, Phyllis Ida PROFESSOR Biological Chemistry Dept $ 225,000.00 $ 124,688.25
Andrews, Philip C PROFESSOR Biological Chemistry Dept $ 180,650.00 $ 99,358.40
Kerppola, Tom K W PROFESSOR Biological Chemistry Dept $ 171,210.00 $ 171,210.00
Ninfa, Alexander J PROFESSOR Biological Chemistry Dept $ 166,327.00 $ 166,327.00
Fuller, Robert S PROFESSOR Biological Chemistry Dept $ 161,160.00 $ 161,160.00
Uhler, Michael D PROFESSOR Biological Chemistry Dept $ 160,760.00 $ 32,152.00
Cogswell, Sherry L Chief Dept Administrator Hlth Biological Chemistry Dept $ 156,027.33 $ 140,424.60
Xu, Zhaohui ASSOC PROFESSOR Biological Chemistry Dept $ 153,142.00 $ 76,571.00
Thompson, Debra A Professor Biological Chemistry Dept $ 144,370.00 $ 14,437.00
Freddolino, Peter Louis ASST PROFESSOR Biological Chemistry Dept $ 136,990.00 $ 47,494.43
Stuckey, Jeanne A RESEARCH ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Biological Chemistry Dept $ 136,786.67 $ 20,518.00
O'Brien, Patrick ASSOC PROFESSOR Biological Chemistry Dept $ 133,900.00 $ 81,009.50
Cho, Uhn-Soo ASSOC PROFESSOR Biological Chemistry Dept $ 128,087.00 $ 89,660.90
Vojtek, Anne B ASSOC PROFESSOR Biological Chemistry Dept $ 125,597.78 $ 113,038.00
Zhang, Yan ASST PROFESSOR Biological Chemistry Dept $ 124,372.00 $ 77,110.64
Palfey, Bruce Allan ASSOC PROFESSOR Biological Chemistry Dept $ 122,167.00 $ 111,990.49
Trievel, Raymond C ASSOC PROFESSOR Biological Chemistry Dept $ 122,086.00 $ 108,351.33
Ragunathan, Kaushik ASST PROFESSOR Biological Chemistry Dept $ 121,650.00 $ 65,289.56
Baldridge, Ryan Douglas ASST PROFESSOR Biological Chemistry Dept $ 120,756.00 $ 74,868.72
Turner, David L ASSOC PROFESSOR Biological Chemistry Dept $ 120,030.00 $ 12,003.00
Nichols, Ruthann ASSOC PROFESSOR Biological Chemistry Dept $ 118,722.83 $ 118,722.83
Saper, Mark A ASSOC PROFESSOR Biological Chemistry Dept $ 106,686.00 $ 80,014.50
Lamanna, Allison Cathleen LEO Lecturer III Biological Chemistry Dept $ 84,460.00 $ 84,460.00
Smith, Stephanie RESEARCH ASST PROFESSOR Biological Chemistry Dept $ 84,460.00 $ 0.00
Goodwin, Elizabeth L Admin Specialist Inter Health Biological Chemistry Dept $ 79,707.53 $ 79,707.53
Grapp, Mary S Research Administrator Sr Biological Chemistry Dept $ 78,125.50 $ 78,125.50
Hou, Zhonggang RESEARCH INVESTIGATOR Biological Chemistry Dept $ 78,000.00 $ 78,000.00
Page: 1 of 3

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