List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: theatre 12
Maximum Salary:$ 45,676.80
Average Salary:$ 40,652.82
Minimum Salary:$ 36,005.06

2009-10 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
Drone, Patrick A Theatre Artisan/Technician University Productions $ 45,676.80 $ 45,676.80
Bisbee, Michelle A Theatre Artisan/Technician University Productions $ 45,004.18 $ 45,004.18
Luedke, Virginia R Theatre Artisan/Technician University Productions $ 43,319.12 $ 43,319.12
Braico, Michael Theatre Artisan/Technician University Productions $ 43,282.20 $ 43,282.20
Morello, Lea Marie Theatre Artisan/Technician University Productions $ 42,290.82 $ 42,290.82
Sandmaier, Elizabeth C Theatre Artisan/Technician University Productions $ 41,640.82 $ 41,640.82
Pratt, Steven T Theatre Artisan/Technician LSA Screen Arts - Cultures $ 40,095.12 $ 40,095.12
Carruth, Brandon Joel Theatre Artisan/Technician University Productions $ 38,949.56 $ 0.00
Williamson, Tracy Anjanette Theatre Artisan/Technician University Productions $ 38,797.46 $ 38,797.46
Gunderson, Elizabeth A Theatre Artisan/Technician University Productions $ 36,679.24 $ 36,679.24
Michael, Robert E Theatre Artisan/Technician University Productions $ 36,093.46 $ 36,093.46
Skoog, Renae Pedersen Theatre Artisan/Technician University Productions $ 36,005.06 $ 36,005.06
Page: 1 of 1

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