List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: statist 40
Maximum Salary:$ 133,900.00
Average Salary:$ 68,124.38
Minimum Salary:$ 41,119.13

2008-09 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 2
Name Title Department FTR GF
Myles, James Donald Statistician Expert Mich Inst for Clin and Hlth Resr $ 133,900.00 $ 20,085.00
Dunn, Rodney Lee Statistician Expert Urology Surgery $ 114,418.44 $ 0.00
Kuick, Rork Statistician Expert Univ of Mich Cancer Center $ 104,993.51 $ 5,249.68
Crissey, Karen E Statistician Expert CoE Resource Planning and Mgmt $ 94,321.00 $ 94,321.00
Welch, Kathleen B Statistician Staff Specialist Ctr Statistical Consul and Res $ 93,642.00 $ 37,457.27
Guire, Kenneth E Statistician Staff Specialist Biostatistics Department $ 91,721.00 $ 33,936.77
MacDonald, James William Statistician Expert Pediatrics-Nephrology $ 87,000.00 $ 0.00
Chen, Benrong Statistician Lead UMH CIDSS $ 82,400.00 $ 0.00
Abel, Robert Bradford Statistician Staff Specialist Biostatistics Department $ 80,000.00 $ 40,000.00
Lee, Julia Shin-jung Statistician Senior Univ of Mich Cancer Center $ 79,975.38 $ 0.00
Griffith, Kent A Statistician Lead Univ of Mich Cancer Center $ 79,864.14 $ 0.00
Morgeson III, Forrest Statistician Lead ROSS SCH NQRC and ACSI $ 74,277.00 $ 0.00
Zhao, Lili Statistician Lead Univ of Mich Cancer Center $ 73,440.00 $ 7,344.00
Jiang, Qingmei Statistician Senior Mich Inst for Clin and Hlth Resr $ 70,000.00 $ 0.00
Ye, Zaojun Statistician Senior Urology Surgery $ 67,530.53 $ 67,530.53
Daignault, Stephanie D Statistician Intermediate Univ of Mich Cancer Center $ 67,376.42 $ 0.00
Bondarenko, Irina V Statistician Senior Biostatistics Department $ 66,942.00 $ 0.00
Zhang, Lingling Statistician Lead Ctr Statistical Consul and Res $ 65,814.00 $ 37,843.05
Mahadevan, Sangeetha Statistician Intermediate Int Med-Cardiology $ 63,955.00 $ 0.00
Chen, Zhen Statistician Senior Biostatistics Department $ 62,100.00 $ 0.00
Lonigro, Robert J Statistician Intermediate Univ of Mich Cancer Center $ 61,065.00 $ 0.00
Kazemi, Joe Statistician Senior Ctr Statistical Consul and Res $ 60,755.00 $ 36,453.00
Reichert, Heidi Ann Statistician Senior Ctr Statistical Consul and Res $ 60,755.00 $ 24,302.00
Leite, Maria Claudia De Azevedo Statistician Senior Epidemiology Department $ 60,256.00 $ 30,128.00
McEwen, Laura Nicole Statistician Intermediate Metabolism Endo and Diabetes $ 60,100.50 $ 0.00
Johnson, Craig Statistician Intermediate Univ of Mich Cancer Center $ 58,000.00 $ 0.00
Gwinn, Danielle L Statistician Senior Ctr Statistical Consul and Res $ 56,272.00 $ 39,390.40
Jannausch, Mary L Statistician Senior Epidemiology Department $ 55,429.00 $ 0.00
He, Chang Statistician Intermediate Urology Surgery $ 55,000.00 $ 0.00
Jing, Yuezhou Statistician Senior Biostatistics Department $ 55,000.00 $ 0.00
Page: 1 of 2

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