List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: se 304
Maximum Salary:$ 231,248.60
Average Salary:$ 47,377.89
Minimum Salary:$ 28,925.98

2015-16 University of Michigan SalariesPage 11 of 11
Name Title Department FTR GF
Torbert, Bianca S Secretary Intermediate Flint Educational Opportunity $ 30,908.83 $ 30,908.80
Stahl, Julie Secretary Associate Dbn-College of EducHealthandHS $ 30,825.00 $ 30,825.00
Dom-Martin, Prudence Secretary Intermediate Flint Educational Opportunity $ 29,291.06 $ 29,291.10
Coleman, Sonja L Secretary Intermediate Flint Educational Opportunity $ 28,925.98 $ 28,925.90
Page: 11 of 11

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