List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: se 214
Maximum Salary:$ 264,578.05
Average Salary:$ 54,204.51
Minimum Salary:$ 37,199.00

2021-22 University of Michigan SalariesPage 8 of 8
Name Title Department FTR GF
Day, Marissa Secretary Intermediate Development Major Gifts Prgm $ 39,045.00 $ 0.00
Dent, Joseph Security Specialist Flint Safety $ 38,760.04 $ 38,760.00
Salisbury, Dane Security Specialist Flint Safety $ 38,760.04 $ 38,760.00
Smith, Wanda G Secretary Intermediate Athletics $ 37,199.00 $ 0.00
Page: 8 of 8

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Dick, Christopher William CAMPUS UMH Surg/Necropsy Path
Murray, Susan VISITING RES ASST PROF human genetics
Richardson, Lisa A OSEH TECH II Dbn Office Student Engagement
Ehrlich, Gabriel J Athletics
Grosky, William patient services intermed Pathology Department
Stahl, Mary web content admin UMH Surg/Necropsy Path
Kurdak, Cagliyan quality assurance coordin Pediatric Hospitalists
Hoff, A App Sys Anlst/Prgm Staff Dbn Office Student Engagement
Jones, Michell archiv UMOR Mcity

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