List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: se 409
Maximum Salary:$ 200,000.00
Average Salary:$ 40,756.86
Minimum Salary:$ 25,000.04

2011-12 University of Michigan SalariesPage 4 of 14
Name Title Department FTR GF
Fortune, Lasandra Denise Secretary Senior Hlth Behavior - Hlth Ed Dept $ 42,900.00 $ 33,247.50
Perry, Ingrid Nicole Secretary Senior Inst/Research Women - Gender $ 42,895.00 $ 42,895.06
Falkowski, Brenda J Secretary Senior Law School $ 42,870.00 $ 42,870.10
Weston, Janis M Secretary Senior Law School $ 42,820.00 $ 42,819.92
Rushlow, Karen E Secretary Senior Law School $ 42,416.00 $ 42,415.88
McCrumb, Kathleen A Secretary Senior Biomedical Engineering $ 42,407.00 $ 42,407.04
Ryan, Helen Swope Secretary Intermediate Law School $ 42,386.00 $ 0.00
Daly, Andrea Elizabeth Secretary Senior School of Information $ 42,280.00 $ 42,279.90
Greubel, Lori L Secretary Senior Development Major Gifts Prgm $ 42,262.00 $ 0.00
Faris, Dara Linn Secretary Senior Law School $ 42,238.00 $ 42,238.04
Dabney, Tanya F Secretary Senior SOE-Affiliates $ 42,127.00 $ 0.00
Jan, Teresa P Secretary Senior Athletics $ 42,033.00 $ 0.00
Vaughn, Kelly Noelle Secretary Intermediate Athletics $ 41,874.68 $ 0.00
Harlow, Laura Helen Secretary Senior Law School $ 41,761.00 $ 41,760.94
Blasch, Nancy L Secretary Senior LSA Germanic Languages - Lit. $ 41,730.00 $ 41,730.00
Wielfaert, Linda K Secretary Senior Law School $ 41,682.00 $ 41,681.90
MacFarlin, Denise Marie Secretary Senior Hlth Behavior - Hlth Ed Dept $ 41,573.00 $ 41,572.96
Parks, Cassandra L Secretary Senior Hlth Behavior - Hlth Ed Dept $ 41,573.00 $ 0.00
Pipkin, Debra Kaye Secretary Senior Occupational Safety - Environ $ 41,537.56 $ 41,537.60
Wolocko Kenyon, Alison Claire Secretary Senior Chief Investment Officer (CIO) $ 41,460.12 $ 0.00
Craiger, Tammy L Secretary Senior College of Pharmacy $ 41,377.00 $ 41,376.92
Balan, Virginia Secretary Senior ROSS SCH Faculty Support $ 41,369.94 $ 41,369.90
Carl, Cynthia Secretary Senior LSA Ecology - Evolutionary Bio $ 41,350.00 $ 41,349.88
Kopka, Paula Secretary Senior ROSS SCH Faculty Support $ 41,310.00 $ 41,310.10
Melvin, Nancy Secretary Senior ROSS SCH Executive MBA Program $ 41,309.94 $ 41,309.84
Eichert, Brian SECURITY OFFICER Security Services $ 41,059.20 $ 0.00
Wolf, Joan M Secretary Senior Sch of Nat Resources - Environ $ 41,000.00 $ 40,999.92
Smith, Sheryl L Secretary Senior Hlth Behavior - Hlth Ed Dept $ 40,999.92 $ 20,499.96
Crawford, Jennifer Secretary Senior Hlth Behavior - Hlth Ed Dept $ 40,999.92 $ 34,849.93
Elliott, Nancy E Secretary Intermediate OUA AVP and Operations $ 40,991.80 $ 40,991.86
Page: 4 of 14

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