List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: polic 75
Maximum Salary:$ 86,979.92
Average Salary:$ 68,363.91
Minimum Salary:$ 45,822.40

2012-13 University of Michigan SalariesPage 3 of 3
Name Title Department FTR GF
Lucas, Kevin E POLICE OFFICER Field Operations Bureau $ 68,140.80 $ 68,140.80
Kohtz, Kurt W POLICE OFFICER Field Operations Bureau $ 68,140.80 $ 68,140.80
Hawkins, David S POLICE OFFICER Field Operations Bureau $ 68,140.80 $ 68,140.80
Buehler, John POLICE OFFICER Field Operations Bureau $ 61,942.40 $ 61,942.40
Hewlett, Kyle POLICE OFFICER Field Operations Bureau $ 50,065.60 $ 50,065.60
Harding, Kevin POLICE OFFICER Field Operations Bureau $ 50,065.60 $ 50,065.60
Cargill, Thomas POLICE OFFICER Field Operations Bureau $ 50,065.60 $ 50,065.60
DeClute, Phillip D POLICE OFFICER Flint Safety $ 47,673.60 $ 47,673.60
Berent, Justin POLICE OFFICER Field Operations Bureau $ 47,673.60 $ 47,673.60
Thompson, Frederick POLICE OFFICER Dbn Public Safety $ 47,673.60 $ 47,673.60
Spence, Donald POLICE OFFICER Field Operations Bureau $ 47,673.60 $ 47,673.60
Carignan, Anthony POLICE OFFICER Field Operations Bureau $ 45,822.40 $ 45,822.40
Vermilya, Sandra POLICE OFFICER Field Operations Bureau $ 45,822.40 $ 45,822.40
Lipp, Mitchell POLICE OFFICER Flint Safety $ 45,822.40 $ 45,822.40
Perttunen, Gary POLICE OFFICER Dbn Public Safety $ 45,822.40 $ 45,822.40
Page: 3 of 3

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