List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: mai 160
Maximum Salary:$ 118,119.38
Average Salary:$ 56,126.53
Minimum Salary:$ 42,954.00

2021-22 University of Michigan SalariesPage 2 of 6
Name Title Department FTR GF
Hieber, Karl MAINTENANCE MECHANIC III Central Campus W Region $ 57,595.20 $ 57,595.20
Hindbaugh, Mark Andrew MAINTENANCE MECHANIC III South Campus Region $ 57,595.20 $ 57,595.20
Holcomb, Edward J MAINTENANCE MECHANIC III Student Life Facilities Centra $ 57,595.20 $ 0.00
Holeman, Charles MAINTENANCE MECHANIC III Health Science Region $ 57,595.20 $ 57,595.20
Keena, Steven MAINTENANCE MECHANIC III Central Campus W Region $ 57,595.20 $ 57,595.20
Keiser, Joe MAINTENANCE MECHANIC III Student Life Facilities Centra $ 57,595.20 $ 0.00
Kemble, Blaise M MAINTENANCE MECHANIC III MM Maintenance $ 57,595.20 $ 0.00
Kitson, Joseph MAINTENANCE MECHANIC III North Campus Region $ 57,595.20 $ 0.00
Kosla, Kevin MAINTENANCE MECHANIC III Central Campus W Region $ 57,595.20 $ 57,595.20
Kwok, Hon Kwan MAINTENANCE MECHANIC III North Campus Region $ 57,595.20 $ 0.00
Law, Bennett MAINTENANCE MECHANIC III MM Maintenance $ 57,595.20 $ 0.00
Lawson, Lori MAINTENANCE MECHANIC III North Campus Region $ 57,595.20 $ 0.00
Lossing, Jefferey MAINTENANCE MECHANIC III MM Maintenance $ 57,595.20 $ 0.00
Lowery II, Gerald MAINTENANCE MECHANIC III Student Life Facilities Centra $ 57,595.20 $ 0.00
Thomas Jr, Allen L MAINTENANCE MECHANIC III Student Life Facilities Centra $ 57,595.20 $ 0.00
Ross, Tunicia L MAINTENANCE MECHANIC III Health Science Region $ 57,595.20 $ 57,595.20
Saltz, Ross MAINTENANCE MECHANIC III MM Maintenance $ 57,595.20 $ 0.00
Smiatacz, Zachary MAINTENANCE MECHANIC III MM Maintenance $ 57,595.20 $ 0.00
Spencer, James MAINTENANCE MECHANIC III MM Maintenance $ 57,595.20 $ 0.00
Stanley, Steven Michael MAINTENANCE MECHANIC III Central Campus W Region $ 57,595.20 $ 57,595.20
Stark, Lester E MAINTENANCE MECHANIC III Alumni Association $ 57,595.20 $ 0.00
Steeb, Shawn MAINTENANCE MECHANIC III MM Maintenance $ 57,595.20 $ 0.00
Swikoski, Bruce MAINTENANCE MECHANIC III Central Campus E Region $ 57,595.20 $ 57,595.20
Tessier, Curtis MAINTENANCE MECHANIC III MM Maintenance $ 57,595.20 $ 0.00
West, Larry Duane MAINTENANCE MECHANIC III Student Life Facilities Centra $ 57,595.20 $ 0.00
Gidcumb, Dwayne M MAINTENANCE MECHANIC III Flint Fac Op- Building Maint $ 57,595.20 $ 57,595.20
Butterfield-Halbedel, D E MAINTENANCE MECHANIC III Flint Fac Op- Building Maint $ 57,595.20 $ 57,595.20
Wuerthele, Charles Thomas MAINTENANCE MECHANIC III MM Maintenance $ 57,595.20 $ 0.00
Wood, Gary F MAINTENANCE MECHANIC III Central Campus W Region $ 57,595.20 $ 57,595.20
Weber, Loren R MAINTENANCE MECHANIC III Student Life Facilities North $ 57,595.20 $ 0.00
Page: 2 of 6

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