List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: librar 53
Maximum Salary:$ 163,000.00
Average Salary:$ 81,023.24
Minimum Salary:$ 35,172.80

2006-07 University of Michigan SalariesPage 2 of 2
Name Title Department FTR GF
Ter Haar, Linda K LIBRARIAN Shapiro Undergraduate Library $ 70,525.00 $ 70,525.00
Kriigel, Barbara J LIBRARIAN Dbn Mardigian Library $ 70,279.00 $ 70,279.00
Bonn, Maria Stella LIBRARIAN Scholarly Publishing Office $ 70,174.00 $ 56,139.20
Downing, Karen E LIBRARIAN Graduate Library $ 69,903.00 $ 34,951.50
Case, Beau D LIBRARIAN Graduate Library $ 69,848.00 $ 69,848.00
Rodgers, Jonathan H LIBRARIAN Graduate Library Area Programs $ 68,821.00 $ 68,821.00
Ransom, Charles G LIBRARIAN Graduate Library $ 68,691.00 $ 68,691.00
Crayne, Janet I LIBRARIAN Graduate Library Area Programs $ 68,581.00 $ 68,581.00
Ottaviani, James S LIBRARIAN Library Info Tech - General $ 68,159.00 $ 34,079.50
Paulos, Afeworki LIBRARIAN Graduate Library $ 67,638.00 $ 67,638.00
Ahronheim, Judith R LIBRARIAN Library Tech - Access Svcs $ 67,402.00 $ 67,402.00
Mackintosh, Pamela J LIBRARIAN Shapiro Undergraduate Library $ 65,434.00 $ 65,434.00
Beam, Kathryn L LIBRARIAN Special Collections Library $ 63,336.00 $ 63,336.00
Llamas, Nerea A LIBRARIAN Graduate Library $ 63,276.00 $ 63,276.00
Fraser, M Robert LIBRARIAN Dbn Mardigian Library $ 62,075.00 $ 62,075.00
Wilcox, Donald L LIBRARIAN Clements Library $ 62,000.00 $ 62,000.00
Longstreth, Karl E LIBRARIAN Map Library $ 61,124.00 $ 61,124.00
Morgan, Karen L LIBRARIAN Dbn Mardigian Library $ 59,359.00 $ 59,359.00
Nichols, Darlene P LIBRARIAN Graduate Library $ 57,123.00 $ 42,842.25
Taylor, Elizabeth J LIBRARIAN Dbn Mardigian Library $ 56,082.00 $ 56,082.00
Brooks, Carla T LIBRARIAN Dbn Mardigian Library $ 50,652.00 $ 50,652.00
Barth, Robert J Library Mat Rm Delivery Driver Library Finance and Facilities $ 35,172.80 $ 35,172.80
Hindbaugh, Paul W Library Mat Rm Delivery Driver Library Finance and Facilities $ 35,172.80 $ 35,172.80
Wilkin, John Price LIBRARIAN Library Administration $ 0.00 $ 0.00
Richards, Timothy Fu LIBRARIAN Dbn Office of the Provost $ 0.00 $ 0.00
Johnson, Brenda L LIBRARIAN Library Administration $ 0.00 $ 0.00
Gosling, William A LIBRARIAN Library Administration $ 0.00 $ 0.00
Page: 2 of 2

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