List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: leo lec 1492
Maximum Salary:$ 387,572.17
Average Salary:$ 77,008.13
Minimum Salary:$ 50,000.00

2023-24 University of Michigan SalariesPage 5 of 50
Name Title Department FTR GF
Bailey, Joanne Motino LEO Lecturer II LSA Women's and Gender Studies $ 119,811.06 $ 38,263.41
Larose, Peter G LEO Lecturer IV LSA Mathematics $ 119,801.22 $ 59,900.61
Miranda, Maria Mercedes LEO Lecturer IV Dbn Col of Bus-Acctg & Finance $ 118,739.31 $ 118,739.31
Moser, Sharon S LEO Lecturer III Flint Physician Asst Program $ 117,652.34 $ 19,294.98
Sanders, Stephanie Lynette LEO Lecturer IV G. Ford Sc Pub Pol $ 117,497.17 $ 58,748.59
Bouma, Rolf T LEO Lecturer II Program in the Environment $ 116,833.21 $ 36,948.48
Khan, Pauline Bary LEO Lecturer IV CoE Technical Communication $ 116,455.68 $ 116,455.68
Young, Amy Marie Wonnell LEO Lecturer IV Ross School of Business $ 116,215.60 $ 38,728.85
Hanson, Kelly Ruth LEO Lecturer III CoE Technical Communication $ 116,069.74 $ 58,034.87
Angell, Amy LEO Lecturer II Ross School of Business $ 115,943.75 $ 115,943.75
Aaronson, Susan Marie LEO Lecturer IV Nutritional Sciences $ 115,443.86 $ 0.00
Cell, Amy Elizabeth LEO Lecturer II CFE Academic Programs $ 114,064.26 $ 65,586.96
Tadd, Andrew Roland LEO Lecturer IV Chemical Engineering Dept $ 113,870.92 $ 113,870.92
Dacko, Theodore Michael LEO Lecturer II CFE Academic Programs $ 113,870.86 $ 65,475.76
Proulx, Chris Dorian LEO Lecturer IV LSA Economics $ 113,636.43 $ 113,636.43
Pierce, Leland E LEO Lecturer II EECS - ECE Division $ 113,559.89 $ 65,296.92
Burdick, Laura Anne Wendlandt LEO Lecturer III EECS - CSE Division $ 113,516.00 $ 56,758.00
Mueller, Christopher Ryan LEO Lecturer IV Ross School of Business $ 113,405.58 $ 113,405.58
Naasko, Rachel Therese LEO Lecturer IV School of Social Work $ 113,196.00 $ 113,196.00
Stephens, John LEO Lecturer IV Flint School of Management $ 113,065.27 $ 113,065.27
Robertson, Katrin O LEO Lecturer IV MARSAL EDUC - Educator Prep $ 112,997.85 $ 56,498.93
Zamzow, Benjamin Francis LEO Lecturer IV LSA Economics $ 112,575.08 $ 112,575.08
Baker, Susan K LEO Lecturer IV Dbn Col of Bus-Acctg & Finance $ 112,486.73 $ 112,486.74
Hayden, Marion T LEO Lecturer II School of MusicTheatre&Dance $ 111,934.18 $ 13,991.77
Morgan, Andrew Michael LEO Lecturer II EECS - CSE Division $ 111,890.00 $ 42,891.20
Morrow, Andrea LEO Lecturer IV Ross School of Business $ 111,716.69 $ 93,093.51
Rayher, Robert W LEO Lecturer IV LSA FilmTelevisionand Media $ 111,657.04 $ 111,657.04
Gaskell, Peter LEO Lecturer IV CoE Robotics $ 110,879.00 $ 110,879.00
Hirshfield, Laura Janine LEO Lecturer IV Chemical Engineering Dept $ 110,354.53 $ 110,354.53
Stanzler, Jeffrey Adam LEO Lecturer IV MARSAL EDUC - Ed Studies $ 110,340.54 $ 110,340.54
Page: 5 of 50

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