List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: instructional 98
Maximum Salary:$ 108,569.00
Average Salary:$ 57,097.53
Minimum Salary:$ 27,781.00

2010-11 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 4
Name Title Department FTR GF
Dressler, Monika Renee Instructional Sup Svcs Sr Mgr LSA Dean: Facilities $ 108,569.00 $ 108,569.00
Treib, Philip Alan Instructional Learning Lead CoE-IT $ 93,336.00 $ 93,336.00
Friedrichs, Kathleen M Instructional Learning Lead CoE Ctr for Professional Devel $ 90,072.00 $ 27,021.60
Larose, Peter G Instructional Learning Inter LSA Mathematics $ 89,064.00 $ 44,532.00
Young, Patrick J Instructional Learning Inter School of Art and Design $ 87,813.33 $ 87,813.33
de Wet, Jeffrey Roux Instructional Designer Comp Med and Bioinformatics $ 79,567.50 $ 70,815.08
Doonan-Reed, Kelly Instructional Designer ITS AIS Fin/Phys $ 79,560.00 $ 19,890.00
Meissner, Michele S Instructional Learning Senior Learning Management Service $ 77,968.80 $ 0.00
Locey, Mary E Instructional Designer ITS AIS HRMS $ 73,679.00 $ 73,679.00
Sober, Ronald A Instructional Designer HR Professional - Org Develop $ 71,563.00 $ 71,563.00
Duchateau II, Donald C Instructional Learning Senior ROSS SCH Computing Services $ 71,400.00 $ 71,400.00
Hanson, Brian D Instructional Learning Senior Continuing Legal Education Ins $ 70,865.86 $ 0.00
Wright, Jeffry R Instructional Learning Senior ITS IS Campus Sites $ 70,740.00 $ 35,019.13
Johnston, John P Instructional Learning Senior College of Pharmacy $ 70,146.00 $ 70,146.00
Eakin, Brenda L Instructional Designer Mich Inst for Clin - Hlth Resr $ 69,415.97 $ 0.00
Malayang, James B Instructional Designer ITS PSM Process - Srvc Mgt $ 68,928.00 $ 68,928.00
Pavesi, Lynne Marie Instructional Designer ITS PSM Process - Srvc Mgt $ 68,541.00 $ 68,541.00
Perpich, Diana L Instructional Learning Senior Library Dean - DMC LTIG $ 68,416.08 $ 68,416.08
Deromedi, Lori A Instructional Designer ITS AIS Fin/Phys $ 68,394.00 $ 68,394.00
Petainen, Kai J Instructional Learning Inter ROSS SCH Computing Services $ 68,300.00 $ 68,300.00
Manspeaker, William C Instructional Learning Lead A. Alfred Taubman CA-UP Adm $ 68,177.00 $ 68,177.00
Franklin, Ralph W Instructional Learning Lead Instructional Support Services $ 67,985.00 $ 67,985.00
Wimsatt, Leslie Carol Instructional Designer Family Medicine $ 67,749.07 $ 0.00
Peters, Amy Kristine Instructional Designer ITS AIS Fin/Phys $ 67,520.00 $ 54,016.00
Anderson, Elizabeth Weston Instructional Designer Mich Inst for Clin - Hlth Resr $ 67,217.32 $ 33,608.66
Barker, Gregory Lee Instructional Learning Senior ROSS SCH Computing Services $ 67,000.00 $ 67,000.00
Jalet, Jennifer S Instructional Designer ITS AIS Research Admin Systems $ 66,960.00 $ 53,568.00
Mackey, Jeanne A Instructional Designer ITS AIS HRMS $ 66,647.00 $ 39,988.20
Marten, Jan Renee Instructional Designer ITS AIS Research Admin Systems $ 66,034.00 $ 0.00
Bandyopadhyay, Debalina Instructional Learning Senior Dbn CASL-Natural Sciences $ 65,000.00 $ 65,000.00
Page: 1 of 4

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