List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: in 944
Maximum Salary:$ 884,000.00
Average Salary:$ 69,872.26
Minimum Salary:$ 31,800.08

2022-23 University of Michigan SalariesPage 10 of 32
Name Title Department FTR GF
Elias, Anne Instructional Designer Senior Library Collect - Tech Service $ 72,960.96 $ 72,960.96
Diefenderfer, Alison Instructional Designer SOE - CEDER $ 72,841.60 $ 72,841.60
Hoffman-Lopez, Beth E International Services Rep International Center $ 72,830.28 $ 0.00
Schmitt, Eleanor Instructional Learning Senior Center for Academic Innovation $ 72,800.00 $ 72,800.00
Eisenberg, Nathan Intl Admissions/Recruit Coord ROSS SCH MBA Program $ 72,800.00 $ 72,800.00
Walters, Ramona Instructional Designer Senior Nexus $ 72,800.00 $ 36,400.00
Nelson, Kelly International Svcs Asst Dir International Center $ 72,400.00 $ 47,060.00
Charles, Joshua Internal Auditor Intermediate Audit Services $ 72,352.28 $ 72,352.28
Dorer, Doreen Rose Instructional Learning Inter MM Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 72,131.86 $ 0.00
Li, Chih-chieh Instructional Learning Senior LSA UG: Language Resource Ctr. $ 72,124.00 $ 72,124.00
Huang, Yao Instructional Designer Senior SPHDO-Instructional Services $ 72,000.00 $ 72,000.00
Ridenour, Kelly Elizabeth Intraop Mntrng Neuromonitorist MM Neurology IOM $ 71,980.39 $ 0.00
Franklin, Amy Instructional Designer Senior ITS EAS Enterprise App Svcs $ 71,611.00 $ 71,611.00
Nassar, David Instructional Designer Senior ITS SS Support Services $ 71,512.00 $ 71,512.00
Hickson, Monica Alexis Instructional Designer Senior ITS T&L Teaching and Learning $ 71,401.00 $ 71,401.00
Pfaltzgraff, Elise Rachel Instructional Designer MM Rogel Cancer Center $ 71,367.05 $ 0.00
Smith, Heather Interior Designer Senior Student Life Capital Projects $ 71,366.38 $ 0.00
James, Dylan Intraop Mntrng Neuromonitorist MM Neurology IOM $ 70,953.10 $ 0.00
Crandall, Seth Instructional Learning Senior Office of Digital Education $ 70,720.00 $ 70,720.00
Schueren, Jared Instructional Learning Inter Center for Academic Innovation $ 70,720.00 $ 0.00
Hayden, Jennifer Intraop Mntrng Neuromonitorist MM Neurology IOM $ 70,584.02 $ 0.00
Murphy, Lauren Instructional Learning Senior School of Information $ 70,350.00 $ 70,350.00
Lawther, Diane D Info Resources Inter Supr Law Library $ 70,286.70 $ 70,286.70
Knezek, Kristinna Instructional Designer MM Human Resources $ 70,278.63 $ 0.00
Senn, Susan Instructional Designer MM Human Resources $ 70,278.63 $ 0.00
Dantzler, Sheila Information Resources Manager Library Operations - CAS & DL $ 70,209.54 $ 70,209.54
Raj, Digna Intl Admissions/Recruit Coord ROSS SCH MBA Program $ 70,000.00 $ 52,500.00
Pava, Michelle Intl Admissions/Recruit Coord ROSS SCH MBA Program $ 70,000.00 $ 70,000.00
Wang, Lysa Intl Admissions/Recruit Coord ROSS SCH MBA Program $ 70,000.00 $ 70,000.00
Rodriguez-Calero, Ilka B Instructional Designer Socially Engaged Design $ 70,000.00 $ 28,000.00
Page: 10 of 32

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