List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: execut 152
Maximum Salary:$ 176,518.14
Average Salary:$ 63,151.66
Minimum Salary:$ 42,230.00

2015-16 University of Michigan SalariesPage 6 of 6
Name Title Department FTR GF
Riptoe, Karen Executive Secretary Flint Chancellor-s Office $ 43,000.10 $ 43,000.00
Pickens, Josie Executive Secretary School of Nursing $ 42,230.00 $ 42,230.00
Page: 6 of 6

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popilek, MGR ATHLETIC PLANT UMH 4B/C Card/Thor/Vas6
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porzondek, DIETITIAN II UMH Neurology Stroke Program12
Robins, Diane M PA Neonatology MM UH
s, Tara ENGINEER III UMH Reichert Allergy Pro
wo, la COORD RES HALL DESK SERV Army Officer Education Program
brown, Emily SR MANAGEMENT ENGINEER library dean
He, Z HOME CARE SVC TECH II AVP Health and Wellness
Jagger, PHYSICAL THERAPY ASST I DENTMaxillofacialSurgery
Pace, Solution Architect Int Flint University Outreach

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