List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: execut 145
Maximum Salary:$ 142,388.00
Average Salary:$ 48,906.75
Minimum Salary:$ 30,225.00

2005-06 University of Michigan SalariesPage 2 of 5
Name Title Department FTR GF
Bond, Melody M Executive Assistant Assoc Hlth UMH Administration $ 55,926.26 $ 0.00
Bliss, Judith I Executive Assistant Assoc Hlth UMH Nursing Administration $ 55,769.74 $ 0.00
McKeever, Mary Olivia Executive Assistant Assoc Hlth UMH Radiation Oncology $ 55,166.80 $ 0.00
Hankins, Phoebe Theresa Executive Assistant Assoc Hlth Medical School Administration $ 53,575.60 $ 0.00
McFarland, Diane M Executive Secretary Dean-s Office-Dentistry $ 53,276.34 $ 53,276.24
Overholser, Michelle M Executive Secretary LSA Economics $ 52,999.96 $ 52,999.96
Thomas, Paulette Executive Assistant Assoc Hlth Medical School Administration $ 52,784.94 $ 0.00
Bieber, Blythe A Executive Assistant Assoc Hlth Department of Family Medicine $ 52,635.18 $ 52,635.18
Campbell, Debbie M Executive Secretary College of Pharmacy $ 52,503.10 $ 52,503.10
Grant, Christine W Executive Secretary Epidemiology Department $ 52,416.00 $ 52,416.00
Forney, Alice S Executive Secretary LSA Chemistry $ 51,699.96 $ 51,700.00
Saltz, Courtney Ann Executive Assistant Assoc Hlth Ophthalmology - Visual Science $ 51,500.02 $ 0.00
Longeway, Lori J Executive Assistant Assoc Hlth Cell and Developmental Biology $ 51,347.92 $ 38,511.00
Carnes, Vicki Lynne Executive Assistant Assoc Hlth Ofc of Exec VP for Med Affairs $ 50,924.38 $ 0.00
Campbell, Stephanie L Executive Secretary Office of the President $ 50,856.00 $ 50,856.00
Smith, Linda J Executive Secretary Sr Assoc VP Student Affairs $ 50,827.92 $ 50,828.00
Couperthwaite, Ruth Ann Executive Assistant Assoc Hlth Pediatric - Comm Diseases Dept $ 50,700.00 $ 0.00
Morris, Judith M Executive Secretary LSA UG: Student Acad. Affairs $ 50,350.30 $ 50,350.30
Snyder, Marsha J Executive Assistant Assoc Hlth UMHS Human Resources $ 50,061.44 $ 0.00
Durocher, Colleen M Executive Secretary Devl Corp/Foundation Relations $ 49,976.94 $ 49,977.00
McCain, Lynn A Executive Assistant Assoc Hlth Pathology Department $ 49,898.42 $ 0.00
Huber, Mary Jo Executive Secretary Purchasing and Stores $ 49,558.60 $ 49,558.86
Collins, Karen S Executive Assistant Assoc Hlth Orthopaedic Surgery $ 49,331.62 $ 0.00
Spangler, Rebecca Overholt Executive Secretary School of Education $ 49,176.92 $ 49,176.92
Maszatics, Jennifer L Executive Secretary Athletics $ 48,695.40 $ 0.00
Meszaros, Carol M Executive Secretary LSA English Language - Lit. $ 48,218.04 $ 48,218.04
Paul, Nancy K Executive Secretary Law School $ 48,206.34 $ 48,206.34
Truszkowski, Carol Ann Executive Assistant Assoc Hlth Medical Education Admin $ 48,188.92 $ 26,985.84
Hatfield, Diane L Executive Secretary Bentley Historical Library $ 48,174.88 $ 48,174.88
Fracala, Teresa Jean Executive Assistant Assoc Hlth Lab Animal Medicine Unit $ 47,782.54 $ 47,782.54
Page: 2 of 5

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