List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: bio 72
Maximum Salary:$ 125,000.00
Average Salary:$ 67,802.97
Minimum Salary:$ 38,494.88

2015-16 University of Michigan SalariesPage 3 of 3
Name Title Department FTR GF
Kreklau Jr, James Biomedical Eng Tech Inter UMH Oper Rooms - Univ Hospital $ 50,692.25 $ 0.00
Lockett III, Edward Biomedical Eng Tech Inter DLHS Clinical Simulation Ctr $ 50,572.58 $ 0.00
Bloom, Joseph Biomedical Eng Tech Inter UMH Oper Rooms - Univ Hospital $ 50,544.24 $ 0.00
Kinnell, Dennis Biomedical Eng Tech Assoc UMH Biomed $ 49,258.79 $ 0.00
Costa, Ninive Biomedical Photographer Hlth GSA - Administration (GSA/ADM) $ 49,199.90 $ 0.00
McCarthy, Carolyn Biomedical Photographer Hlth UMH Plastic Surg - Tech $ 49,199.90 $ 0.00
Kehn, Matthew Biomedical Eng Tech Assoc UMH Biomed $ 47,999.90 $ 0.00
Ideh, Chris Biomedical Eng Tech Assoc UMH Biomed $ 47,999.90 $ 0.00
Reynolds, Brian Biomedical Photographer Hlth CW PLA Surg Craniofacial Pgm $ 47,162.77 $ 0.00
Damico, Candace L Biomedical Eng Tech Assoc UMH Home Med Admin $ 40,605.00 $ 0.00
Tuck, Shawn M Biomedical Eng Tech Assoc MedEQUIP $ 39,190.42 $ 0.00
McTiernan, James Biomedical Eng Tech Inter Flint Nursing $ 38,494.88 $ 38,494.80
Page: 3 of 3

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