List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Techn 67
Maximum Salary:$ 211,768.00
Average Salary:$ 86,593.16
Minimum Salary:$ 46,670.00

2018-19 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 3
Name Title Department FTR GF
Pilz, Bryce Corbin Technology Transfer Assoc Dir UMOR Office of Tech Transfer $ 211,768.00 $ 190,591.20
Psarouthakis, Michael Technology Transfer Assoc Dir UMOR Office of Tech Transfer $ 174,199.00 $ 174,199.00
Bennett, Andrew Technology Transfer Assoc Dir UMOR Office of Tech Transfer $ 158,517.00 $ 158,517.00
Pagani, Edward David Technology Transfer Assoc Dir UMOR Office of Tech Transfer $ 153,233.00 $ 153,233.00
Hughes, Keith Technology Licensing Ofcr Sr UMOR Office of Tech Transfer $ 132,582.00 $ 132,582.00
Repp, David Technology Licensing Ofcr Sr UMOR Office of Tech Transfer $ 122,104.00 $ 97,683.20
Kim, Joohee Technology Licensing Ofcr Sr UMOR Office of Tech Transfer $ 121,530.00 $ 121,530.00
Koehler, Stefan Technology Licensing Ofcr Sr UMOR Office of Tech Transfer $ 121,530.00 $ 121,530.00
Nelson, Jeremy Technology Licensing Ofcr Sr UMOR Office of Tech Transfer $ 121,530.00 $ 121,530.00
Greeley, Richard Technology Licensing Ofcr Sr UMOR Office of Tech Transfer $ 121,530.00 $ 121,530.00
Wolff, Kristen Technology Licensing Ofcr Sr UMOR Office of Tech Transfer $ 121,530.00 $ 97,224.00
Dong, Tiefei Technology Licensing Ofcr Sr UMOR Office of Tech Transfer $ 121,530.00 $ 91,147.50
Cole, Charles Technology Licensing Ofcr Sr UMOR Office of Tech Transfer $ 121,176.00 $ 121,176.00
McCormick, Colleen Technology Cust Relations Mgr ITS SS Service Support $ 116,150.00 $ 116,150.00
Callihan, Lisa Susan Technology Cust Relations Mgr LSA Dean: Info. Technology $ 114,092.00 $ 114,092.00
Hieber, Gail E Technical Support Manager Patient Experience $ 101,739.02 $ 0.00
Kraft, Michael Technology Licensing Ofcr Sr Office of Technology Transfer $ 101,000.00 $ 25,250.00
Poisson, Jonathan Technical Support Manager Comp Med and Bioinformatics $ 98,880.00 $ 72,182.40
Kolb, Eric P Technical Support Manager Facilities - Operations - IS $ 98,693.67 $ 98,693.67
Schultz, Robert H Technical Support Manager UMTRI - Administration $ 92,989.00 $ 82,760.21
Schell, Robert R Technical Support Manager School of Kinesiology $ 92,912.19 $ 92,912.19
Singla, Rohit Technical Support Manager ROSS SCH Research Support $ 91,225.00 $ 91,225.00
David, Mary Jo Technical Writer Senior HITS ET Documentation $ 88,170.00 $ 0.00
Jerome, Derek W Technical Trades Manager Facilities $ 88,086.51 $ 0.00
Yob, Stephen Technical Trainer HITS ET Instructional Design $ 87,098.16 $ 0.00
Estell, Kenneth Technical Trainer HITS ET Instructional Design $ 85,075.00 $ 0.00
Burns, Bonnie Ann Technical Trainer HITS ET Instructional Design $ 83,390.98 $ 0.00
Daraiseh, Mohammed Mahmoud Technical Support Manager SEAS General Operations $ 82,489.83 $ 65,991.86
Mallon, Kendra Technical Writer Senior HITS DRA Michigan Data Collab $ 82,040.44 $ 0.00
Beyersdorf, Jeffrey Roy Technical Manager Univ Musical Society $ 81,023.00 $ 0.00
Page: 1 of 3

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