List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Student Administration Manager 28
Maximum Salary:$ 114,004.00
Average Salary:$ 89,499.04
Minimum Salary:$ 76,399.00

2024-25 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
Tashjian, Julie Student Administration Manager EECS - CSE Division $ 114,004.00 $ 114,004.00
Esau, Jill M Student Administration Manager SRC-Survey Methodology $ 105,708.49 $ 0.00
Davis, Jason Student Administration Manager Mechanical Engineering $ 97,850.00 $ 97,850.00
Bazuin, Sally Student Administration Manager School of Information $ 96,200.00 $ 96,200.00
Cicero, Saroya Louise Student Administration Manager Industrial & Operations Engin $ 96,000.00 $ 96,000.00
Blank, Matthew Thomas Student Administration Manager Civil & Environmental Engr $ 95,000.00 $ 95,000.00
Randolph, Jessica Lynn Student Administration Manager LSA Mathematics $ 94,805.00 $ 94,805.00
Pulay, Lauren A Student Administration Manager LSA Economics $ 93,426.00 $ 93,426.00
Stubblefield, Jasmin Student Administration Manager EECS - CSE Division $ 92,906.00 $ 92,906.00
Hartman, Michael Student Administration Manager LSA UG: Student Recruitment $ 92,805.00 $ 92,805.00
Dodge, Elizabeth Student Administration Manager CoE Office of Student Affairs $ 91,816.00 $ 91,816.00
Hanosh, Heather Student Administration Manager LSA Chemistry $ 91,000.00 $ 91,000.00
Oelke, Kristel Student Administration Manager CoE Robotics $ 88,116.00 $ 88,116.00
Hastings, Kathy Jo Student Administration Manager ROSS SCH Registrars Office $ 87,713.92 $ 87,713.92
Thornton, Kristen Student Administration Manager EECS - ECE Division $ 87,600.00 $ 87,600.00
Coleman, Lindsay Student Administration Manager Climate and Space Sciences Eng $ 85,722.00 $ 85,722.00
Sonderman, Michelle Lynn Student Administration Manager Nuclear Eng & Radiological Sci $ 85,388.00 $ 85,388.00
Taylor, Jennifer Lynn Student Administration Manager SEAS Student Center $ 85,280.00 $ 85,280.00
Kennedy, Tamara Mida Student Administration Manager LSA Physics $ 85,030.00 $ 85,030.00
Koel, Danielle Student Administration Manager Biomedical Engineering $ 85,000.00 $ 85,000.00
Stefanski, Lindsay Michelle Student Administration Manager LSA Biology - Undergraduate $ 84,904.00 $ 84,904.00
McKinney - Vorobiev, Barrie Student Administration Manager DENT Academic Affairs $ 84,516.82 $ 84,516.82
Conley, Kari Student Administration Manager LSA International Institute $ 83,910.00 $ 83,910.00
Rivera, Elvira Student Administration Manager LSA Statistics $ 83,700.00 $ 83,700.00
Frankish, Elise Student Administration Manager Stamps School of Art & Design $ 82,400.00 $ 82,400.00
Sherry, Rose Student Administration Manager EECS - CSE Division $ 80,588.00 $ 80,588.00
Rajewsky, Ellannee Student Administration Manager LSA English Language & Lit. $ 78,185.00 $ 78,185.00
Hartranft, Deborah Murphy Student Administration Manager Law School $ 76,399.00 $ 76,399.00
Page: 1 of 1

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