List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Stock 136
Maximum Salary:$ 38,043.20
Average Salary:$ 31,939.16
Minimum Salary:$ 29,848.00

2007-08 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 5
Name Title Department FTR GF
Jones, David B STOCKKEEPER III MSA Facilities $ 38,043.20 $ 38,043.20
Barber, Bessie M STOCKKEEPER III UMH Mat-l Svcs - Warehouse Ops $ 38,043.20 $ 0.00
Burg, Brian J STOCKKEEPER III Movers Department $ 38,043.20 $ 0.00
Abbott, Steven J STOCKKEEPER III MBS Mail Services $ 38,043.20 $ 19,021.60
Parker, Shane A STOCKKEEPER III UMH Operating Rooms - CVC $ 38,043.20 $ 0.00
Markham Jr, Charles R STOCKKEEPER III Office of the Plant Director $ 38,043.20 $ 0.00
Grim, Richard Lee STOCKKEEPER III Transportation Services $ 38,043.20 $ 0.00
Hargrow Jr, M L STOCKKEEPER III Building Services Department $ 38,043.20 $ 0.00
Holt, Annette I STOCKKEEPER III Flint Materials Services $ 38,043.20 $ 38,043.20
Sopp, Duane H STOCKKEEPER III UMH Biomed $ 38,043.20 $ 0.00
March, Jeffrey D STOCKKEEPER III UMH Mat-l Svcs - Warehouse Ops $ 38,043.20 $ 0.00
Smith, Thomas J STOCKKEEPER III UMH Oper Rooms - Univ Hospital $ 38,043.20 $ 0.00
Baker, Larry R STOCKKEEPER III Office of Financial Analysis $ 38,043.20 $ 38,043.20
Brabo, Deborah K STOCKKEEPER III LSA Chemistry $ 38,043.20 $ 38,043.20
Corzine, Richard E STOCKKEEPER III Movers Department $ 38,043.20 $ 0.00
McKnight, Steven T STOCKKEEPER III UMH Oper Rooms - Univ Hospital $ 38,043.20 $ 0.00
Vogel, Evelyn M STOCKKEEPER III Plant Hospital Maintenance $ 38,043.20 $ 0.00
Ahearn, Kenneth Oliver STOCKKEEPER III UMH Oper Rooms - Univ Hospital $ 38,043.20 $ 0.00
Lazarz, Michael K STOCKKEEPER II CoE Administration $ 33,966.40 $ 25,474.80
Carter, Eugene L STOCKKEEPER II Patient Services Dentistry $ 33,966.40 $ 0.00
Deventer, Timothy J STOCKKEEPER II Patient Services Dentistry $ 33,966.40 $ 30,569.76
Southerland, Joyce M STOCKKEEPER II Dbn General - Aux Services $ 33,966.40 $ 0.00
Evans, Mark R STOCKKEEPER II UMH Mat-l Svcs - Warehouse Ops $ 33,966.40 $ 0.00
Montalvo, Daniel STOCKKEEPER II Law School $ 33,966.40 $ 33,966.40
Sleet, Kathryn Elaine STOCKKEEPER II MSA Facilities $ 33,966.40 $ 33,966.40
Friday, David W STOCKKEEPER II UMH Mat-l Svcs - Warehouse Ops $ 33,966.40 $ 0.00
McWilliams, Tommy J STOCKKEEPER II Office of the Plant Director $ 33,966.40 $ 0.00
Perez-Clark, Gloria F STOCKKEEPER II Health Svc General Operations $ 33,966.40 $ 0.00
Boyd, Alice E STOCKKEEPER I UMH Laundry Distribution $ 30,742.40 $ 0.00
Davis, Linda Kay STOCKKEEPER I UMH Mat-l Svcs - Warehouse Ops $ 30,742.40 $ 0.00
Page: 1 of 5

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