List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Staff 167
Maximum Salary:$ 170,028.87
Average Salary:$ 108,313.37
Minimum Salary:$ 66,000.00

2014-15 University of Michigan SalariesPage 5 of 6
Name Title Department FTR GF
Appell, Katrina Maria Staff Specialist Hlth UMH BCBSM Lean Coordinating $ 102,058.30 $ 0.00
Pilat, Marianne Staff Specialist Hlth UMH QI Michigan Quality System $ 102,058.30 $ 0.00
Kopka, Daniel D Staff Attorney Continuing Legal Education Ins $ 102,000.00 $ 0.00
Fox, Michelle Staff Pharmacist UMH Specialty Pharmacy $ 101,900.00 $ 0.00
Fisher, Kaleigh Staff Pharmacist UMH Retail Pharmacy $ 101,400.00 $ 0.00
Kempke, Anna Polso Staff Pharmacist UMH CGC Infusion Pharmacy $ 101,400.00 $ 0.00
Kilbourn, Courtney Staff Pharmacist CW - Pharmacy $ 101,400.00 $ 0.00
Andreasen, Arnold Staff Pharmacist UMH Inpatient Pharmacy Svcs $ 101,139.50 $ 0.00
Gillogly, Alicia Bea Staff Pharmacist CW - Pharmacy $ 101,139.50 $ 0.00
Larocca, Vincent Staff Pharmacist CW - Pharmacy $ 101,139.50 $ 0.00
Harrison, Michelle Elizabeth Staff Pharmacist UMH Inpatient Pharmacy Svcs $ 100,400.00 $ 0.00
Workman, Paul Staff Pharmacist CW - Pharmacy $ 100,394.00 $ 0.00
Johnson, Joshua Staff Pharmacist CW - Pharmacy $ 99,400.00 $ 0.00
Simons, Chelsea Staff Pharmacist UMH CGC Infusion Pharmacy $ 99,400.00 $ 0.00
Erber, Mark Gerard Staff Specialist Hlth UMH Professional Dev and Ed $ 94,982.13 $ 0.00
Helmick, Nancy Staff Specialist Hlth UMHS Compliance - Shared Srvcs $ 94,432.65 $ 0.00
McGrath, Linda M Staff Specialist Hlth UMH QI Accreditation $ 93,819.54 $ 0.00
Moore, Paul Joseph Staff Specialist Hlth UMH Resp/Cardiov Svcs $ 92,638.61 $ 0.00
Salow, Kathryn Sue Staff Specialist Hlth UMH Nursing Business Operation $ 92,394.45 $ 0.00
Standish, Kathleen Marie Staff Specialist Hlth UMH QI Accreditation $ 92,206.30 $ 0.00
Kimata, Joanne Akiko Staff Specialist Hlth Ofc of Exec VP for Med Affairs $ 92,092.79 $ 0.00
Spranger, Elizabeth K Staff Specialist Hlth Internal Medicine Department $ 92,092.49 $ 0.00
Haskell, Amanda Marie Staff Specialist Hlth UMH QI Michigan Quality System $ 89,150.36 $ 0.00
Pennington-Block, Corrie Staff Specialist Hlth CW Mott Administration $ 89,082.13 $ 0.00
Mace, Jenny J Staff Specialist Hlth Anesthesiology Department $ 88,924.37 $ 0.00
VanGoor, Laura A Staff Specialist Hlth Dermatology Department $ 88,619.05 $ 0.00
Rupkey, Christine M Staff Specialist Hlth Neurology Department $ 88,158.57 $ 0.00
Schulz, Kathleen L Staff Specialist Hlth CW Mott Administration $ 87,699.40 $ 0.00
Barwig, Katie Lynn Staff Specialist Hlth UMH Nursing - Cardiology/Med $ 87,027.68 $ 0.00
Peters, Nanette A A Staff Specialist Hlth Transplant Surgery (STX) $ 86,923.91 $ 0.00
Page: 5 of 6

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