List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: St 961
Maximum Salary:$ 336,822.88
Average Salary:$ 65,493.62
Minimum Salary:$ 30,171.48

2015-16 University of Michigan SalariesPage 13 of 33
Name Title Department FTR GF
Dignan, Wendy J Student Admin Asst Sr Stamps School of Art and Design $ 67,360.81 $ 67,360.80
Brussolo, Eileen F Student Affairs Program Mgr SOE-Student Services $ 66,989.00 $ 66,989.00
Zhang, Wenying Statistician Senior Surgery Department $ 66,938.06 $ 0.00
Ghosh, Bidisha Statistician Intermediate School of Nursing $ 66,876.48 $ 33,438.20
Freysinger, Dawn Student Admin Asst Sr EECS - CSE Division $ 66,850.00 $ 66,850.00
Peoples, Alice L Student Affairs Program Mgr ROSS SCH Executive Education $ 66,813.56 $ 0.00
Swift, John Staff Attorney Continuing Legal Education Ins $ 66,625.00 $ 0.00
Tuet, Caroline Ka Yan Student Affairs Program Mgr ROSS SCH Executive Education $ 66,133.63 $ 0.00
Blachley, Taylor Statistician Senior Ophthalmology and Visual Science $ 66,091.02 $ 0.00
Bodei, Elise Student Administration Manager LSA Physics $ 66,000.00 $ 66,000.00
Crawford, Susan A Student Admin Asst Sr Environmental Health Sciences $ 65,882.00 $ 65,882.00
McQueen, Tara L Student Administration Manager LSA Mathematics $ 65,757.00 $ 59,181.30
Larson, Philip Neil Student Affairs Program Mgr Office of New Student Programs $ 65,582.16 $ 65,582.20
Falandino, Veronica Michele Student Affairs Assistant Dir School of Information $ 65,563.00 $ 65,563.00
Rodgers, Emily Petty Puckett Student Affairs Program Mgr School of Information $ 65,349.00 $ 0.00
Wadding, Robin Lynn Stewardship Officer Senior LSA Dean: Development $ 65,237.00 $ 65,237.00
Hamlin, Susan E Student Admin Asst Sr Chemical Engineering Dept $ 65,048.00 $ 52,038.40
Simon, Victoria Student Affairs Program Mgr ROSS SCH Global Initiatives $ 64,983.64 $ 64,983.60
Shrank, Michael J Student Affairs Program Mgr ROSS SCH Executive Education $ 64,907.92 $ 0.00
Wang, Chen Student Affairs Program Mgr ROSS SCH Executive Education $ 64,890.00 $ 0.00
Krecic, Mark R Studio Coordinator Stamps School of Art and Design $ 64,827.02 $ 32,413.50
Nolting, William E Student Affairs Program Mgr International Center $ 64,739.21 $ 64,739.20
Mekaru, Elizabeth Student Affairs Program Mgr CoE International Programs $ 64,702.00 $ 64,702.00
Mcloughlin-McKee, Callie S Student Affairs Program Mgr Office of New Student Programs $ 64,504.80 $ 64,504.80
Webb, Cathy J Student Affairs Program Mgr ROSS SCH Executive Education $ 64,497.28 $ 0.00
Clark, Lisa J Student Admin Asst Sr LSA UG: Student Acad. Affairs $ 64,324.00 $ 64,324.00
Adams, Joy Student Affairs Program Mgr CoE Undergraduate Education $ 64,186.00 $ 0.00
Evans, Kristin Student Affairs Program Mgr ROSS SCH Executive Education $ 64,012.52 $ 0.00
Keeler, Emily Anne Student Affairs Program Mgr ROSS SCH Erb Institute $ 64,000.00 $ 0.00
Hollowell, Susan Student Affairs Program Mgr ROSS SCH Executive Education $ 63,787.50 $ 0.00
Page: 13 of 33

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