List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: St 1221
Maximum Salary:$ 764,300.00
Average Salary:$ 79,537.80
Minimum Salary:$ 40,400.00

2024-25 University of Michigan SalariesPage 41 of 41
Name Title Department FTR GF
Wilber, Kevin J STOCKKEEPER I MM Mat'l Mgmt - Warehouse Ops $ 44,075.20 $ 0.00
Williams, LaTonya STOCKKEEPER I MM Mat'l Mgmt - Warehouse Ops $ 44,075.20 $ 0.00
Williams, Shanae STOCKKEEPER I MM Mat'l Mgmt - Warehouse Ops $ 44,075.20 $ 0.00
Yocum, Craig STOCKKEEPER I MM Mat'l Mgmt - Warehouse Ops $ 44,075.20 $ 0.00
Zapf, Jacqueline STOCKKEEPER I MM Mat'l Mgmt - Warehouse Ops $ 44,075.20 $ 0.00
Bird, Alycia Student Admin Asst Inter LSA Communication and Media $ 44,000.06 $ 44,000.00
Magee, Lauren Student Admin Asst Inter LSA Comparative Literature $ 44,000.06 $ 44,000.06
Mendoza, America Student Admin Asst Inter LSA UG: Residential College $ 43,775.16 $ 0.00
Wittenberg, Isaac Student Admin Asst Inter LSA Asian Languages & Cultures $ 43,500.08 $ 43,500.00
Freeland, Max Student Admin Asst Assoc LSA Psychology $ 43,260.00 $ 43,260.00
Zahler, Connor Student Admin Asst Assoc LSA Economics $ 43,000.10 $ 43,000.00
Kim, Emily Student Admin Asst Inter LSA Sociology $ 43,000.10 $ 43,000.00
Knight, Brian STOCKKEEPER I MM Environmental Svcs - DAYS $ 42,764.80 $ 0.00
Teclemariam, Feben STOCKKEEPER I MM Mat'l Mgmt - Warehouse Ops $ 42,764.80 $ 0.00
Sanchez, Angela Student Admin Asst Assoc LSA Romance Languages & Lit. $ 41,631.00 $ 41,631.00
Kennedy, Theresa Student Admin Asst Assoc Flint Graduate Programs $ 41,375.10 $ 41,375.10
Saldana-Arbas, Diana Student Admin Asst Assoc LSA UG: UROP $ 41,260.00 $ 41,260.00
Allen, Shania Student Admin Asst Assoc Civil & Environmental Engr $ 40,999.92 $ 41,000.00
Vincenz, Lewis Student Admin Asst Assoc LSA UG: Scholarships $ 40,946.00 $ 40,946.00
Rodriguez, Jacqueline Student Admin Asst Assoc LSA UG: Comprehensive Studies $ 40,720.00 $ 40,720.00
Hall, Katherine Student Admin Asst Inter G. Ford Sc Pub Pol $ 40,400.00 $ 40,400.00
Page: 41 of 41

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