List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Safety Tech 8
Maximum Salary:$ 46,940.70
Average Salary:$ 45,108.78
Minimum Salary:$ 43,803.84

2012-13 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
Weger, Shannon M Safety Technician Intermediate Occupational Safety & Environ $ 46,940.70 $ 46,940.70
McKowen, Keith Allen Safety Technician Intermediate Occupational Safety & Environ $ 46,184.55 $ 46,184.55
Wilson, Jeffery S Safety Technician Intermediate Occupational Safety & Environ $ 45,872.23 $ 45,872.23
Stenzel, Martin P Safety Technician Associate Occupational Safety & Environ $ 45,511.96 $ 45,511.96
Gallup, Steven Hill Safety Technician Intermediate Occupational Safety & Environ $ 44,899.00 $ 44,899.00
Heemstra, Ronald Safety Technician Intermediate Occupational Safety & Environ $ 43,829.24 $ 32,871.93
Brenner, Christopher Safety Technician Intermediate Occupational Safety & Environ $ 43,828.72 $ 21,914.32
Keckan, Steven Safety Technician Intermediate UMH Safety Management Services $ 43,803.84 $ 0.00
Page: 1 of 1

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